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Orange removes N97 Mini from sale but why?

It has been reported that Orange have stopped selling the Nokia N97 Mini but the question is why?

Orange haven’t yet spoken out on the reasoning behind the decision to remove the Nokia N97 Mini from sale. It would seem that the returns rate on the device have been high, and the reasons for that vary there were a number of different issues.

Not all of the issues were related to software problems, it was apparently failing Orange’s continuing tests some of which are quite vigorous. That’s according to an industry source.

It would lead us to believe then that it sounds like a cocktail of mediocre sales, software problems and the high returns that have led to the decision. When the Nokia N97 Mini was released we didn’t really expect that it would compare well with the original Nokia N97 so this doesn’t really come as a great surprise. However, although no specific reason has been given we wouldn’t expect this to be temporary. Source –

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