Everyone is fully aware that the iPhone doesn’t support Adobe Flash; Apple won’t allow Flash on the iPhone for one reason or another, but apparently according to an article over on the Washington Post this will change this year.
At the moment the lack of Flash support with the iPhone is a great inconvenience to developers and consumers alike. However, with or without the blessing of Apple, Adobe will bring the avalanche of Flash developers to the iPhone.
Creative Suite 5 which is currently in private beat is the next version of Adobe’s Flash developer tools and includes a package for iPhone applications that will auto-convert any Flash application into an iPhone application.
Once Adobe Creative Suite 5 is publicly released Flash applications and video still will not run on the iPhone but Flash developers will be able to still work with Adobe tools and just convert their Flash apps to iPhone apps and thus lower the barriers of making iPhone apps and open the floodgates for even more iPhone applications developed by the two million Flash developers.