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Google not qualified to sort complaints with Nexus One

Perhaps Google was in too much of a hurry to get their latest Android superphone, the Nexus One, out to the masses, and the smartphone dubbed a superphone by Google is receiving numerous complaints over performance by users.

According to an article over on ecommerce-journal, Google has turned out to be quite “incompetent” in solving the performance problems for customers. In most cases with subsidised mobile phones when thing go wrong the user turns to the operator for advice.

However, as Google is offering the Nexus One direct to the end user, those end users are turning to Google for a fix to the performance issues and unfortunately Google doesn’t have a qualified customer support in place that mobile phone users are accustomed too.

Apparently Google will only accept email queries from customers, and then the response received by the customer is that Google will reply in a day or two, which most customer’s who are complaining online say is far too long.

Also Nexus One owners are also turning to HTC and T-Mobile and not receiving a great deal of help with T-Mobile referring customers to HTC or Google, and HTC referring them back to T-Mobile.

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