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Apple (AAPL) Earnings: Revenue Profits thanks to iPhone sales

Apple (AAPL) is going from strength to strength and strong Mac and iPhone sales has made its most profitable quarter of all time, so much so that earnings has risen by 50 percent to that over a year ago.

According to Times Online Apple’s revenue is at an all high rising a massive 32 per cent, which beats its previous quarterly record by more than $3 billion. Profits of $3.38 billion (£2.1 billion) or $3.67 a share in the quarter to December 26, up from $2.26 billion, or $2.50 cents a share.

Apple has sold a staggering 8.7 million iPhones in the quarter and 3.36 million Mac computers, Peter Oppenheimer, Apple’s chief financial officer, said: “We are very pleased to have generated $5.8 billion in cash during the quarter.

Apple shares closed up 2.69 per cent at $203.08 on NASDAQ peaking above the $215 mark last week. Sales of the iPhone would be even greater if Verizon get their hands on it, come on Apple and Verizon show everyone something special and shake hands on a good deal, do the right thing.

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