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Videos: AT&T Takes Aim At Verizon Again

It’s been quite quiet for a while between the Big Red and Big Blue, with a sort of unwritten truce between the two rival carriers, but it appears that AT&T had decided to put an end to the TV attack adverts truce with two new videos.

The two AT&T assault commercials both feature Luke Wilson and are called “Secret Switch” and “Soup,” and combined they last just over a minute and begins the latest assault in the commercials game with Verizon.

Both videos can be viewed below courtesy of the guys over at the iphone blog, and rather than me tell you all about them it’s better you hit them up and check them out for yourselves.

So with these two new commercials out and obviously the punch and kick truce called off one wonders just how long it will be before we see a new Verizon commercial belittling AT&T…enjoy.

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