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Google Nexus One Superphone coming to T-Mobile UK?

It you are in the UK and don’t particularly want to spend a small fortune getting the latest Android smartphone, the Nexus One, direct from Google, the word is you may just be able to get your Nexus One from T-Mobile UK.

According to an article over on techwatch, the head of corporate affairs at T-Mobile, Robin O’Kelly has tweeted that T-Mobile is talking with Google over the Nexus One and hope to come up with something very soon.

So far the only UK outlet to announce they will be having the Google Nexus One is Vodafone, but as Google has gone with T-Mobile over in the States I see no reason why they shouldn’t do the same over here in the UK.

So, if said tweet is on the ball T-Mobile customers may soon get the opportunity to own the Google Nexus One superphone without needing to switch carriers; more as and when we find out.

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