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New second-gen Google Phone vs. Fourth-gen iPhone 4G 2010: Who will win?

Lets start with what we know for sure, or almost for certain anyway. Apple is going to make another Phone and we expect it to be called the Apple iPhone 4G.

What is also pretty certain is that we will hear more about this very soon, there are rumours all over the place again and a strong talking point at present is that Motorola will be Google’s partner in the creation of the next Nexus phone.

The Shadow project is what Motorola are running currently and this is would seen is the most speculated candidate for the Nexus Two. Google’s next Android phone to be launched is said to be a business phone which will have a physical keyboard.

The shadows fit’s the bill quite nicely, the smartphone looks a bit like a streamlined edition of the Motorola Milestone, and has a slide out full qwerty keyboard. It wouldn’t come as too much as a surprise if Motorola do make the next Google phone. To find out more on this story visit

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