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Steve Jobs: AT&T is no Valentine, divorce and date Verizon for new iPhone 2010

iPhone users are not too happy with Apple boss Steve Jobs at the moment it would appear, the reason being the rumoured possibility that Apple will allow AT&T to keep exclusivity over the iPhone and not allow Verizon Wireless to have the iconic smartphone.

For months there has been speculation that the Big Blue will lose the iPhone to the Big Red, but more and more it is looking like the much wanted Verizon iPhone is not forthcoming, and so iPhone users will have to continue with AT&T’s rather poor service.

Several Phones Review readers have dropped us comments on their views about AT&T, iPhone exclusivity and the Verizon iPhone with one saying that it is time Steve Jobs divorced AT&T, that Verizon has a far better network while AT&T can barely hold the iPhone on its network and iPhone service will suffer when the iPad hits the AT&T network.

Comments such as AT&T SUCKS! And not just the 3G coverage but any phone coverage. Another comment that their iPhone friends use his/her old handset as it is on Verizon’s network. Calls for a Verizon iPhone, another believes Jobs is trying to ‘bankrupt’ Verizon by staying with AT&T.

However there are a few AT&T pro comment such as how do Verizon think they have a right to the iPhone as AT&T and Apple are happy together. Another believes Verizon should vote out their board of directors who spurned Jobs and thus maybe the Apple boss will play ball.

Reasons for and against a Verizon iPhone, and for and against AT&T keeping the iPhone, but personally I believe that Apple isn’t doing themselves any favours by allowing AT&T to keep exclusivity and refusing Verizon the iPhone.

I speak with several people in the US via the net on a daily basis, and most have an iPhone but would be only too happy to swap if Verizon had an iPhone on their network. AT&T just doesn’t have the customer faith any longer and in the end this could damage Apple and the iPhone.

So taking all this into consideration, we’d like to know our readers views on whether AT&T should keep exclusivity or allow Verizon to offer the iPhone 2010 to their vast number of customers, drop us your thoughts in the comments area below.

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