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Opera to Reveal Opera Mini for iPhone at MWC 2010?

Well now it looks like Opera wants to draw some attention to their Opera Mini browser as they have apparently announced a press and partner preview of an Opera Mini browser for the Apple iPhone at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona reports recombu,

Yes that’s right; your eyes do not deceive, Opera Mini for the iPhone; although this is no doubt some kind of publicity stunt as we can’t see Apple allowing Opera Mini onto the iPhone as it provides the same functionality as Safari.

But if it is too believed and somehow Opera has managed to get Apple to approve Opera Mini for use on the iPhone enabling an alternative to Safari then it should be coming soon.

Co-founder of Opera Software, Jon von Tetzchner states they are thrilled to offer journalists and partners an exclusive preview of Opera Mini for iPhone during Mobile Word Congress 2010. He doesn’t actually say that Apple have accepted Opera Mini for iPhone though; still we’ll find out at MWC 2010 no doubt.

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