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Sprint Supersonic WiMAX phone this summer

We are all expected to wait, and I’m sure most of us are quite used to that now. But isn’t is great when we wait patiently and then hear news that what we’re waiting for is moving in the right direction.

Sprint has apparently told forbes that it’s very first WiMAX phone will be coming to us in the first half of this year. This is actually earlier than we have been lead to believe previously.

We can probably expect this to be a HTC built Android device. And we can assume that it may well be the Supersonic. Although of course this is unconfirmed and purely speculation at this stage.

Whatever the handset turns out to be I’m sure we wont be disappointed and it will more than likely be business friendly. According to CEO Dan Hesse Sprint will be bringing out dozens of devices with embedded WiMAX so if the first isn’t to your liking then be a little more patient as it isn’t likely to be the only one. Source –

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