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Could Windows Phone 7 be First Credible iPhone Challenger?

Most are aware, although some would disagree that the iPhone 3GS is the tops of the smartphone world and if definitely the smartphone every other manufacturer wants to beat. However now that Microsoft has debuted Windows Phone 7 Series, could it challenge the iPhone throne?

According to an article over on IGN, it may well be. The iPhone OS is only available on Apple hardware whereas Windows Phone 7 Series is a multi-device platform which will be offered by numerous smartphone makers. Windows Phone 7 utilises the ‘graphic-intensive’ design of the Zune HD UI along with a much wider array of apps.

Windows Phone 7 Series also enables the user to create custom contact pages that are actively updated with the user’s media updates, social networking services and more. Furthermore Windows Phone 7 has Xbox Live integration that hasn’t been achieved on any other phone system.

The article goes on to say that if the hardware that carries Windows Phone 7 Series OS packs a big enough tech punch to take on the iPhone, and that price is right, Windows Phone 7 Series has the potential to be a force to be reckoned with.

So, what do you think, could Windows Phone 7 Series take down the iPhone, could Windows Phone 7 be the much sort after ‘iPhone killer?”

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