The Apple iPhone has without a doubt been the most successful smartphone to date; even those that knock the iPhone at least have to admit that. With the iconic iPhone sitting on the smartphone throne, it is obvious rivals are eager to come up with the elusive iPhone killer.
However, according to an article over on shutter voice, with the rumours of the iPhone 4G hitting the net waves and Apple promoting their latest creation the Apple iPad, people are becoming a tad confused over whether to purchase the iPad or wait for the iPhone 4G.
Rumour has it that the next generation iPhone, the iPhone 4G which it has become known, will command a lower price tag than the Apple iPad, while the features within the iPad are much the same as in the iPhone with the basic difference being size.
So it looks like there will be a battle for the Apple crown as the Apple iPad takes on the iPhone 4G, which could lead to the Apple iPad becoming the elusive “iPhone killer” every rival is looking for, now wouldn’t that just be ironic? So readers what do you want, iPhone 4G or Apple iPad?