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Nuance T9 Trace is similar to Swype

Probably everyone is now aware of Swype and its ability for faster use of a virtual keyboard, and now according to an article over on engadget courtesy of mobile burn, there is similar software called T9 Trace which is made by Nuance.

Basically T9 Trace is the same as Swype but from the makers of the T9 predictive text dictionary that has been on virtually every mobile phone since the dawn of time.

As I said basically the same as Swype, whereby you “trace” a word on your keyboard without removing your finger with short stops at each letter that you wish to add. Much like Swype once you get used to dragging your finger rather than simply tapping letters is should become faster for text input.

Word has it that Nuance has bundled the package with word prediction, auto-completion, error correction, and support for seventy languages, but as yet no word on just when we’ll see T9 Trace hit handsets.

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