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Engadget iPhone App for Android now available

Come on it’s time to stop what your doing put down that cup of tea and take note the day you’ve all been waiting for has arrived.

The Engadget application is available now for the Android platform and what’s even better news is that it is totally free. Great news for all you owners of Android 1.5 devices and above as you can now have access to unedited, unrestrained application.

This will allow you fast access to Engadget, Engadget Mobile and Engadget HD, Podcasts, the Engadget Show and much more. Similar to the iPhone and webOS versions of the application you have now got full support for commenting options to tip Engadget and various ways to share news with your friends and family.

Engadget are always updating and they also have plans for some changes like a home screen widget that should be in the next version. You can be sure to expect a lot of good stuff coming in your direction. Head off for the Android Market what are you waiting for? Source –

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