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New iPhone may run on Verizon good news for Qualcomm

It looks like their may be some good news on the horizon for Qualcomm the wireless chip giant.

That is if the rumours and reports are true about Apple developing an iPhone for Verizon Wireless. Analysts somewhat disagree on just how much of an impact this will have on Qualcomm if an iPhone domes to Verizon.

As we know Apple sells the extremely popular devices for use on the AT&T network in the United States but according to a report in yesterday Wall Street Journal the secretive computer maker is in the process of developing a new iPhone which is capable of running on Verizon.

Both Verizon communication and Apple’s shares gained yesterday, with Apple up 1.5 % and Verizon an impressive 2.6%. AT&T’s shares dipped 2.1%. Although Verizon, Qualcomm and Apple have all declined to pass comment on the matter it would seem that some analysts are sceptical that a deal is imminent between both Apple and Verizon. Source –

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