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Nexus One or Motorola Droid Free to all I/O Attendees

Google’s annual I/O conference is on its way round again and due in May, and according to an article over on intomobile, if you have already registered for the event you’ll need to keep an eye out for a new Google Nexus One or Motorola Droid smartphone in your mailbox.

The reason being is that techcrunch has reported that Google is sending out a Nexus One or Motorola Droid handset free of charge to all paid attendees before the conference begins.

Just which Android smartphone you’ll receive is apparently dependant on where you originally registered for the conference, and well it doesn’t really come as much of a surprise as Google did the same thing last year with the Ion and myTouch handsets.

So why is Google doing this? Well the I/O conference is going to be Android heavy and naturally Google simply wants to make sure every attendee comes with a working Android smartphone without the need to hand them out at the door.

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