Verizon Not Getting Nexus One, Only Handling Phone Plan
We had an email sent to us today from one of our readers reporting and email they was sent about the Verizon Nexus One.
The email said: I just received an email response from a Verizon Wireless rep in Greensboro, NC. He said that Verizon is NOT getting the Nexus One and that it, will be sold by Google, and that a phone plan would be handled by Verizon.
So it seems that Google will be selling the phone through its store and Verizon will handle the phone plans and tariffs.
Please let us know what you think of the above information, on the Google Nexus One site it still says Verizon Nexus One coming soon Spring 2010.
4 thoughts on “Verizon Not Getting Nexus One, Only Handling Phone Plan”
That's not really anything new. That's been their model since they first started selling the Nexus One, and I don't believe any official comments have led us to believe it would be changed with Verizon. In fact I believe statements from Verizon reps previous to that have confirmed that it would not be sold in their stores. Did said rep, by any chance, have a release date? Because that's what no one seems to know.
Exactly my point. I keep hearing that it's unlikely Verizon will even see a Nexus One and that it's not coming out this month after all and Verizon dropped support for it…. None of this substantiated by any official channels. Everyone's trying to guess with spectacular results hoping that they'll be looked at as insider information Gods when things finally click into place.
Google Nexus will have to come out with a new model , Say Nexus Two… because the current N1 model does not support the Verizon CDMA signals. I'd be excited it the N2 comes with support for both the Verizon CDMA and the worldwide GSM (with sim chip) so I can use this phone when I go to Ireland by inserting my O2 sim chip.
i dont think they are going to sell that many units if they continue to sell the way they are selling them.