HTC Droid Incredible Want To Win One?
The hottest smartphone about other than the much hyped and talked about lost iPhone 4G prototype is no doubt the HTC Droid Incredible. So how would you like the chance to get hold of a HTC Droid Incredible for free?
The guys over at the Boy Genius Report have a couple of HTC Droid Incredible handsets laying around and have put them up as a prize for 2 lucky readers, and to be in with a chance isn’t too difficult either.
Basically all one is required to do to be in the running to win one of the two HTC Droid Incredible smartphones is to drop them a comment on their article simply saying why you want one, and that’s it.
Of course no doubt if you manage to make the guys laugh or come up with a completely original answer your chances will probably be better and you only have until 11:59PM ET on the 29th of April to drop your comment, and only one entry per person with a valid email address.
So there it is, you have to be in it to win it so don’t hang about head over there now and get in on the HTC Droid Incredible giveaway.
25 thoughts on “HTC Droid Incredible Want To Win One?”
because my phone has scrathes on the phone that you cant repair plus it freezes and it turn espercially when your talking it shuts off
please pick me to win the Droid Incredible!! im stuck with an old flip phone and i just simply don't have the money to buy the phone of my dreams (the incredible). so please please pleaseeeee pick mee!!!
I want a Droid Incredible, after years of using a worn down 1/2 in. thick Motorola. I need something both thinner and lighter that compared to my current phone, won't look like there's a banana in my pocket. The big screen and bright colors of the Incredible will make it so easy for me to read texts from my kids and able to see the clock without needing to borrow my wife's glasses even dialing numbers. I would like to receive the droid incredible to put embarrassing moments like these behind me and finally get with the times and get a phone that does more than just make calls. Thanks
I want a HTC Droid Incredible because I am a computer major I am just geeked out with the specs. I am an owner of Samsung Omnia and I really want to step into the new age and try the Android OS. I am really impressed with the 8 megapixel camera. I have a 1year daughter that is learning to talk and do silly things and capturing those moments with this device would be great. Please pick me win one of those Iphone 3GS and Nexus One killers.
well.. i just got married and im loving life. i also have the droid, which i like alot … so life is good. My wife likes a lot of the applications on the android market, especially the religious ones, and wants to get the incredible when it comes out. (she says its prettier than the droid). So, if i could win this phone for her, it will make her pretty happy and would be a great blessing in our lives.
thanks for your generosity!
So I'm thinking you will pick me as I'm going to be throwing this G.D. XV6800 into a concrete block wall Ari Gold style (BOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!!!!) in an act of sheer frustration at the years of having to endure VZW's sub-par smartphone offerings (true story). Hey VZW, it's been a gas having my 4th warrantied xv6800 that freezes non stop upon receiving calls, checking voice mails, browsing emails, and whatever else this useless brick of a phone was advertised to do, while paying for 2.5 years of a data plan I couldn't fully use. Thanks for introducing me to prison rape by being locked into the new every two with this gem. I now know what it's like being big red's prison bee-yotch…..priceless. Nothing will provide greater satisfaction than launching this P.O.S. against a solid concrete wall just to prove the unstoppable force paradox is no B.S. Oh yeah, did I mention the friggin sleep mode on the phone was more like a coma setting? Yea, how many times did I have to whip out the stylus for a soft reset to wake this vegetable of a phone from it's Terry Schiavo like persistent vegetative state. Oops, my bad that was harsh, Terry actually was more responsive than my eff-in phone. It will be so nice to have a 1ghz Snapdragon processor, 8gb of on board memory. God only knows how many times this hunk of crap screamed insufficient memory at me. I am so glad those days are almost over. Goodbye clunky, buggy WM 6.1. Hello sexy & smooth Android 2.1 w/ HTC sense.
So judges in closing I hope you can find it in your hearts to throw me a bone here. As of right now I see my stiff competition being James – a bible thumpin newlywed who needs to remove his balls from his wifes purse, Arthur – a "geeked out" new dad who is trying to exploit his kids on Americas Funniest Home Videos, Marc – the Pepperidge farm guy whose glasses ain't cuttin it on his new fangled Moto phone (blindness would explain accidentally entering his comment 3x), Jay – a guy whose apparently dirt poor and has modest dreams considering a phone is a life goal for him, & Ali – for whom I'm speechless (WTF is this guy saying?). Judges thanks for the opportunity, and good luck to all the players. Justin
I have had an android phone before and fell in love with the idea
but sadly it was an old version and it had some issues so then my dad got an adroid phone running 2.1 and he said tht it was too complicated (which it’s not)
and gave it to me
I was extremely happy
but he decided he wanted it back and I’ve been trying to work to buy an android phone for over a year and my dad keeps coming up with excuses to not let me get one
I have always loved the android system and now that there is a new and fast one that I have a chance to get free I’m trying for it
I understand if you don’t choose me because I have had an android phone before but please I would extremely happy if you picked me
sorry that I wasn’t funny
I’m sorry I know I’m only supposed to put one comment but I just wanted to say that the phone that I have now freezes and the screen on the front stops working a lot and it shuts off randomly and most of the time my parents get mad when I don’t respond to them but I can’t help it when my phone shuts off
so having this awesome new phone will get rid of that problem
please pick me
Please pick me
I am an Android searching for the perfect mobile phone. One that I could touch and find pleasure in using
I think I've found the one, Droid Incredible. She is exactly what I want: slick, beautiful, smart, sensitive to the touch, technologically advanced. Let me take her away from you! She's all I want. All I need.
I want one because my other half has an i phone and he keeps winding me up saying he has a better phone than me, he can get lots of apps, play games all sorts and i cant. If i win one i can wind him up lol, mine is better than his!!!!
I’m not sure why but my other post is gone
so I’m going to say that I would really enjoy having the htc incredible
I have had android devices in the past but they don’t compare to what the incredible can do
I have been looking everywhere trying to find one and now I have the chance
please pick me
everyone around me has the htc hero or the droid or the droid eris and now I would like to be able to compare my phone to them if I get the htc incredible
my phone just blanks out on me and I talked to verizon and they said that there was nothing they can do so I have to live with a screen blanking out at random times
pls pick me
sorry I just repeated myself
thank you for ready this
i would like a htc droid incredible because i have had android devices in the past and i love the whole android system but the android phones that i had were old phones and older versions of the android system
i would really like the htc droid incredible to replace my phone that i have now
the screen blanks out randomly and when i went to verizon they said that there was nothing that they could do
so i have to live with my screen randomly not working
sorry if it seems like i am just complaining
i dont mean to
thank you for your time in listening to me
(please pick me)
I would like the htc droid incredible to give to my son
he needs a new phone due to the fact that his phones screen stops working at random times and we went to verizon and they said that there wasn’t anything they could do
so to stop him from not being able to respond to my text messages I would be very thankful if u chose me
thank you for your time
i would like the htc droid incredible because my sons phones screen has stopped working and i cant buy him another one
we have been to verizon and there was nothing they could do
i would like him to be able to respond to my texts so please choose me
thank you
My son is 18 on 29 April when you decide the winners of the 2 HTC Droid Incredible mobiles!
He really wants an HTC desire for his birthday so the chance to win a Droid Incredible is just too much of a coincidence to miss. It would make a great birthday present!
He will be off to university later this year so with a decent phone I have an outside chance of hearing from him occasionally! His current phone is scratched and the touchscreen so slow it gets confused. Please lets eliminate the confusion and increase communication with a Doid Incredible
please pick me i don't have a phone nio mre my brother broke
Please pick me! Reason I want it is because I’m fifteen years old and I dint have any money to buy it and I’m stuck with this htc eris that doesn’t work at all anymore because everything lags and force closes! And I spent all my money to buy it and now I’m paying for a data plan for nothing! and I’m out of warranty because i upgraded to the 2.1 leak but that isn’t working any better
I have been waiting for this!!!!!! I wish I could get it but I can't afford it since college takes up all my time. I will be able to work again in two semesters!!!!!!!!!
how can i get my hand on this phone….my phone was stolen… I'm a mother of three and i need to stay in touch with everyday needs….thanks..
So that while at my boarding school, with kids from all over the world and from many different financial backgrounds, I can finally have something as nice as the rich kids.
i want htc droid because i had a Nokia 5130 xm(which is bad a s40 phone)
so i want it
my parents will never say yes to me to buy a such a great phone
please understand my feelings
please let me win this htc droid please
my email id is:
I want this phone soo bad I have a stupid lg chocolate touch, which sucks, every phone sucks except this one!!! and I dont know y everyone wants the Iphone 4 it sucks!!! the droid incredible really is incredible! Ive been wanting this phone soo bad ever since i heard of it, which was right when it came out!!!!! I really hope i win…. I will love you guys forever if i win! thank you
i want this phone so bad because i never had a cell phone in my life i be wishing and wishing for one but my mom be so business she cant get me one thats why i would like yhis cell phone please
 i need a new phone before i kill someone with my nokia 3310