It seems to be becoming quite a regular thing for iPhone Guru Steve Jobs to spend some of his time personally answering emails, with the latest being in response to being asked if there are any announcements forthcoming at WWDC 2010.
According to an article by Arnold Kim over on Macrumors, one of their readers, one Bryan Webster sent an email to the Apple chief asking if there would be any announcements at WWDC 2010 that would “blow Google out of the water.”
If the email reply is indeed from Steve Jobs, he replied in his usual short and concise manner and without any confusion…”You won’t be disappointed.”
Although it can never really be verified unless Mr Jobs comes out and says so, as proof the email is real Webster posted the email headers as well. So anyone got any ideas what Mr. Jobs may have to blow Google out of the water? iPhone specific search engine perhaps as reported (here)
Via electronista