HTC Hero Update Petition, Have You Signed?
If you own the HTC Hero smartphone you are no doubt aware of the lack of updating the operating system by HTC. The HTC Hero was promised Android 2.1 OS way back at the beginning of the year, but the Taiwan based company still hasn’t made good that obligation.
Well according to Ionut Arghire over at Softpedia, HTC Hero owners can now sign a petition showing that they are unhappy with the constant delays with Android 2.1 coming to the device which has now been pushed back from March to June.
HTC Hero owners can sign the petition by way of downloading the HTC HERO 2.1 Update Petition application from the Android Market which enables HTC Hero users to show their interest in the release of the update and hopefully show HTC they need to something about the situation fast.
The HTC Hero Update Petition is described on the Android Market as…“Are you tired of HTC promising us time and time again our much needed Eclair update? Even when we get updated we still won’t be at the latest version! Sign this petition and hopefully we will get the message to HTC to stop giving out false release dates! Sign by downloading and then leaving a comment on the market!”
It’s been virtually a year since the HTC Hero came out to play and hasn’t seen a software update yet as HTC stated they will skip over Android 1.6 and release Android 2.0 with Android 2.1 promised early this year as soon as it made it into the wild.
However I do have to say at this point, will the HTC Hero Update Petition app actually force HTC to get their fingers out and deliver Android 2.1 as soon as possible? Personally I doubt it as they will release only when they are ready to do so.
9 thoughts on “HTC Hero Update Petition, Have You Signed?”
does anyone know how much a htc hero (G2 touch) is worth, as i have a brand new one never open and i would like to sell it so that i can have the money to buy a different phone that i want but, i cannot find out how much they are ? thankyou. Olivia.x
i brought minee a month agoo for 160
used but in perfectt conditionn
I went on the HTC site and did the survey and gave them it stinking a week ago, got a call today from them asking why I was unsatisfied, I told him its a joke we have this phone still on 1.5 which means some apps don't work plus they don't have the decency to inform us on what's going on. He apologized and said the Rom will be out by the end of June. I then said yea but 2.1 will be out dated then to which he told me 2.2 will be for handsets with faster prossesers. Looks like 2.1, whenever we get it is all we will be getting. Joke doesn't even begin to sum this up.
my htc hero does not run the bbc i-player on wi fi although they are in there a remedy you can recomend.
I sold a 3 month old one for £200. .Back to the hero & G2. Owners shameful treatment by HTC, they have been stuck on 1.5 for to long. HTC should realize that they are answerable to their customers & keeping them informed for better or worse is a minimum requirement.
We were on id the first groups to support android on our phones and look how we are treated.. I love open sorce software but seems like us hero users just being left out in the cold. Does HTC really have to release a new phone every week when they carn’t keep the users they they already have happy. Now where is my update US has it already.. booooo
Im not going to buy another HTC phone!!!!! Why cant we have 2.2 it runs 450% faster thus needing less power to run. Ok the flash player might be a problem but they can just keep the htc one on the phone.
A year to update even my g1's got 2.1 (thanks cyanogen) and probably 2.2 when it comes how can these people make so many good roms and htc cant even make one!!!
I think htc are trying to make excuses not to update us so they can sell more phones, they can count me out. that is the last one i buy
I bet the legend gets 2.2 and its only slightly faster than the hero.
Anyway my contract is finished so HTC can kiss my butt SAMSUNG GALAXY S here i come
It's really a joke – HTC should release less phone models and proceed faster with updates.
They are only interested in selling new phones, and european customers are at the very end of line…
I guess it's definitely my last HTC, had several models now over the last years, and it was always similar with updates…well this is the worst case ever now with all the promised "updates" over the last months.
If we ever get 2.1 – it's already outdated again!!!
ummm… htc hero update has been out since may 19th. wtf?