It seems that there may be some disappointed Government ministers out there at present as they have been told that Apple iPhone is not approved as a work device.
The report comes from Dan Worth at who says that although the iPhone is not approved as a work device ministers can use BlackBerry Smartphones as they have been sanctioned for official use.
Simon Burns Health secretary has confirmed in response to a question which was put to him by Labour MP Tom Watson that ministers in his department have been issued with Blackberry’s and that this would be the case in all government departments.
The department doesn’t issue Apple iPhones to staff as these are not approved for government use by the communications electronics security group. The iPhone has as we know evolved into a very popular choice for businesses but security should remain paramount according to Simon Ford director at secure communications provider NCP Engineering.
Blackberry’s are the device which is also used across a range of public sector organisations including the police, fire and ambulance trusts and city councils. Having said that the Standard Chartered announced just last month that they would offer the option of and iPhone instead of the BlackBerry device.