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iPhone 4 Pre-orders Sold Out, New Ship Date 2nd July

Well whether iPhone 4 pre-orders were a bit of a fiasco with the Apple Online Store being down so long, it still managed to sell out of pre-orders for the much sort after new Apple gizmo, and so did you manage to get your order in to get your iPhone 4 on or about the 24th of June?

According to an article over on Engadget by Nilay Patel, several people are now seeing a new ship date of the 2nd of July for the iPhone 4 on Apple’s online store.

There must have been a right rush to pre-order the iPhone 4 yesterday for both Apple and AT&T to sell out, which is somewhat of a surprise considering just how much trouble people had actually placing their pre-order.

As it is, if you really want to grab an iPhone 4 on launch day then it is looking like your best option is to join one of the many queues that will no doubt be building outside retailer who offer the next generation device. So did most of our readership manage to get their pre-order in?

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