There was a rumour going round that the HTC Droid Incredible was to be phased out by the Big Red; however the latest rumour hitting the net waves is that the reason the Droid Incredible was placed on Verizon’s phase out list was because the smartphone is to gain a new display.
An article over on Droid-life posted by Kellex and by way of the Oled-display, HTC is looking at possibly swapping out the Samsung AMOLED display for the Sony Super TFT LCD while they try to catch up with demand.
Apparently according to HTC there are “no discernible differences between the displays.” Samsung can’t supply enough of their AMOLED displays, so the Sony Super TFT LCD seems to be the next best thing.
And apparently the HTC Droid Incredible isn’t the only device that will see the display change as word has it the HTC Desire will also make the swap due to Samsung’s failure to keep up with demand.