If you are an iPhone toting baseball fanatic then you may like to know that the AllStar 2010 Game, Pro Baseball iPhone App is on a limited time sale, is also iOS 4 tested and compatible with the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.
AllStar Pro Baseball for the iPhone features four modes, Real mode, Hall of Fame mode, Batting mode, and Pitching mode, Realistic shock feeling, the highest level graphics, and realistic sound.
AllStar Pro Baseball for the iPhone includes 9 baseball parks, 12 baseball teams, and player of 264 people, while gaming options are 1 button hitting / 3 button hitting, auto base running, auto fielding, check a runner on the base, base stealing, and rundown play.
This latest version of AllStar Pro Baseball for the iPhone, version 1.3 improves performance and now uses OpenGL ES, and can be yours for just $99 for a limited period only by visiting iTunes.