
White BlackBerry Bold 9700 Yes, White iPhone 4 No

Well lookie here, it appears that most smartphone makers have mastered an art that Apple can’t seem to accomplish with their new iPhone 4, basically pushing out a white version of a smartphone.

While Apple continues to struggle with their white iPhone 4, the other day Samsung pushed out a white Samsung Galaxy S and now according to Research In Motion, they have launched a white version of the BlackBerry Bold 9700 smartphone in Hong Kong, taking note Apple?

Apparently the white BlackBerry Bold 9700 is expected to become available as of tomorrow the 6th of August and will be available to purchase via a wide range of retail outlets across Hong Kong.

The vide president of Asia Pacific Research In Motion, Norm Lo… “The white BlackBerry Bold 9700 offers an extensive array of high-end communications and multimedia features in a compact and stylish design. It is a perfect tool for customers who want to easily manage both their personal and business needs.”

So who’s next in line to push out a white version of their smartphone? Will it be Apple and the long awaited white iPhone 4 or will there still be more delays as other manufacturers prove making a white version isn’t that difficult.


4 thoughts on “White BlackBerry Bold 9700 Yes, White iPhone 4 No”

  1. Mr. B says:

    Comparing a white Black Berry to a White iPhone is like comparing a Mercedes C Class to Kia Rio. Both are automobiles but the engineering behind them are complete different and in a whole other class.

  2. iphonehater says:

    I wanted the white iphone so bad that i just kept waiting and waiting for it until the last time they said its gonna take even longer then i just blew a fuse and said the hell with apple and went bought the Samsung captivate which i am madly in love with. I have had the iphone for so long that i forgot all about the other phones that are out there. When i got my hands on the Samsung it made me realize how restricted the iphone really is and how free these other phones are. So for all you iphone lovers, go try something new because i guarantee that you won’t be disappointed. I once was a huge apple fan myself but not anymore.

  3. MayterTayter says:

    The difference is this- the other smartphones are using white plastic. Apple is trying to use glass.

    And, it appears that Blackberry and Samsung are trying to gain some extra customers by making their phones a different color. Seriously?? If your phone is crap before the color change, it still won't sell.

    Me? I'll wait until Christmas for a white iPhone 4 if I have to. Because I know that it works, and because Apple's customer service is excellent. I've tried Blackberry- no thank you. Samsung- I have no experience with this one.

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