Boost Mobile finds Samsung Seek
Although is was pretty predictable now it is confirmed that Boost Mobile have now included the Samsung Seek to their CDMA line-up.
The Samsung Seek was launched a couple of weeks ago through the carrier Sprint, the Seek will start shipping from August 25th and will cost just $140 USD which includes free shipping.
Thanks to a recent article by Cosmin Vasile over at softpedia we can share with you some of the features you can look forward to with the Samsung Seek feature phone. It has a 2.6 inch QVGA touchscreen display and a 1.3 megapixel camera along with a full QWERTY keyboard.
It also features wireless web email access, a built in GPS receiver and a micro SD card slot for memory expansion up to 32GB. The Seek is also going to be available in Best Buy and RadioShack by the end of the month. It is expected to be seen on the shelves in Sprint stores during September.
67 thoughts on “Boost Mobile finds Samsung Seek”
what about in pink?
i have the pink one. its pretty cute has flowers that are light pink. my brother has the red one.
is this for sprint or boost mobile that they have pink?
i dont think boost have colors yet i hope they do soon
naw boost omly has the all black one i wish they had pink i wud have been all ova it lol
it is a awsome phone i love it
can you get pic mail?
well she was replying back to the earlier post;
if you read it right..
I currently have the Samsung Seek through Boost Mobile.
This phone can be very confusing unless you are good with electronics. For someone who is good with electronics It takes a few hours to go through everything and understand the features. I love the full QWERTY and the touch screen is interesting (it takes a bit to get use to if you've never had a touch screen phone)
The web seems to be fast as long as you have 2 or more bars of service. I really like that it has fast access to your Facebook and Myspace accounts. Over all the web on this phone really keeps you connected to all your internet and e-mail needs and friends and family. It has decent service where ever I go and I live in Michigan.
The only issue I had with this phone was when I first switched it over from my old one. It seems that when you switch phones it takes up to 72hrs for all of the web, e-mail and text messaging to start working properly or at all, but after the 72hrs everything worked properly for me.
This phone takes decent pictures, as good as you can ask from a cell phone. The touch slide feature for ending calls and turning on speakerphone and deleting got on my nerves, but once you start working with the phone you'll get the hang of it.
When I first got the phone it was recommended to get the screen protector and that was a great idea because my screen protector is already scratched up. So screen protectors are a good investment and it comes with like 7 screen protectors that you cut to size your phone. A trick I did to cut the exact size is I took the plastic cover it comes with when you pull the phone out of the box and stuck it on the screen protector and traced it and cut it out, it worked perfect.
Overall this phone was a good investment for me and I really enjoy it, I love boost mobile and will never sign another contract, I like the no contract $50 unlimited talk, text and web. No overages and if you take care of them, the phones last a long time.
hi being that you've played with the samsung seek can you explain to me how i can get the music from my sd card to use for ringtones. all i see in the ringer section is the preringer that already comes with the phone.
you cant, i recommend that you go to to get your ringtones
do u know of any other sites?
im thinking about getting this phone and i just read through many reviews and some said that you can not recieve pictures from other people, is that true?
the case that sprint have for the seek can u put them on the seek for boost and how the facebook and myspace do the pic of your friends pop up good is it clear can u download twitter or mocospace or oovoo 2 the phone wat color do boost have it for
so my question is does it really come in pink for boost mobile??
Not yet. Just the standard black/blue and now Best Buy has the red one.
Kroger has the pink one, but the problem is its not Boost Mobile and I doubt you can get it programmed to work w/Boost. Not sure, but it never hurts to ask @ Kroger. You could always get a plastic phone cover with an awesome design, that' s what I'm gonna do when I get mine. The pink is cute, but I thought I'll just buy a phone cover and it will be a cooler design than just a pink color
Hi everyone ok I have a question im coming from a blackberry tryna find another good phone but it has to have the app to play videos via youtube because I’ve already gotten use to it lol let me know if its a go or a no on the seek
nope no apps for youtube….
I have a question: does the boost samsung seek have fast texting?
i got a blue one
I got the Samsung Seek at Best Buy through Boost a few weeks ago. The phone is actually great with everything except it freezes sometimes with Opera Mini, the internet browser application i like to use with mobile web.(it enhances the mobile web's speed) The only cons about this phone is no video, so no youtube, (boo!), and the keyboard doesn't have its own row of numbers (boo!), the phone is not supported for apps YET, and you can't set personal Text tones for every contact like the Sanyo Incognito can. Other than that i love it! I want the Rant though because its 3G supposedly and supports video i wonder which is better?
hey i have a rant and it sucks.its supposed to be 3g but everything is the glitches and freezes on the regular and has problems connecting and dropping calls a lot.ive only had it for a month and deffinatley gonna get something else
i have a samsung seek from boost mobile and i cant recieve pictures fromother cell phones . why is that?
i just got the samsung seek from boost. can someone please help me get ringtones because i cant and it suck!!!please help through your browser. It's free and ez to download tones
u can go thru ur phone or the computer on on the computer u can actually make the ringtone how u want it by customizing it
that thing blows im rockin the incognito and it rocks who wants a 2 1/2 in touchscreen anyway.incognito plays youtube, fast web with opera mini, and its like a mini laptop
does anyone know if its out in uk
I have one ! Its great although i cant watch youtube!! =( but yes it should have picture messaging , it dont have hot mail.. its got Aim, yahoo, and windows live messenger.
You dont pay extra for internet if you have the 50$ unlimited plan! it works within 30 minutes when u activate it.
does anybody no if theres any problems with how the phone works such as the speakers u can hear fine and the screen doesnt go blank or anything like that and like diana said can u receive picture text messages?????
no you cant get picture messages
when you are on the phone..are you able to text when you are talking on the phone?
yessssss just hit the home button and u should be able to talk and text (:
i would like to know..are you able to text while you are talking on the phone at the sametime?
I got a samsung from sprint and want to switch to boost mobile is that possible/
yes it is possible just call up 1888-boost4u
U can text while on d ph. u can send & recieve pic. mess. go to myxer for ringtones. go to getjar for games & apps. it doesnt play videos which sucks cuz if i wudve known that i wudve left it @ d store. other than that its alright.. this wud b d perfect ph for ur little niece, nephew or child between the ages of 8-14 that really just wants a ph. cuz anybody older wants to watch videos, record videos or voice memos & not b bother w/ the stupid navigation sh*t thats not free & pops up when it wants. Other than that hip hip no way… oh yeah im 10 years young if it matter…
Im miqht get this phone and i REALLY could care less if u can see videos but can you send picture texts??!!!
If not then ill just tell my mom to get me another phone as i am 13 yrs old.
Duhh… wat cell phone dont have picture messaging?!!??!?!
please help I’ve been looking for weeks for the pink samsung seek for boost mobile does anyone know where I can find one.
Me too. But they said earlier that it isn't available in pink for boost yet
Also ppl have said yes and no to the sending and recieveing of pix texts. That would decide it for me right there if I couldn't send and recieve those.
You could get the one for sprint and ir would work on boost… they have a purple one but im not ure what company has it.. you can take any phone and switch to boost just call 1888-boost4u
hellen did u find the pink seek for boostmobile if not jus go 2 and they got lots n lots of skin and hard cases for the seek
so i am looking into this phone. all i want to know is that does it send/recieve pic messages, have good internet so i can access facebook, and what about messaging? like yahoo messanger?
Yes yuh can send && recieve picture messaqes. The default web browser that comes pre installed SUCKS. Use the phone to its full potential && download Opera Mini straiqht out of the box. It turns your phone into a mini laptop (ex: copy && pastinq, openinq more than one tab, sendinq the web to the backqround && savinq pixs from the web) -Hope this helps.!
Alot of ppl are also sayinq they cnt find thinqs saved on their memory card. Simply qo to Home>Settinqs>Memory Storaqe>Memory Card>Imaqes, My_Imaqes, My_Music (or whatever ur lookn 4) then jux select “options” && “move to phone” =P
I hv this phone on boost luv it!! only mad cuz it doesnt hv video but thats cool. u can get free ringtones from n very easy to use once u gt the hang of it.
overall is the samsung seek a good phone or a bad one
ok im getting a phone and i saww this one i got a couple questins ifu would answer it can u recieve pic messenges and when u take a picture does it look ok and which one is better a messenger touch or a samsung seek plllz answer
Does anyone know if you can use instant messengers (yahoo, msn, aim) on the Samsung Seek? And if so, does it cost extra with Boost Mobile, or is it included in the $50 a month? Thanks!
i just got this phone 3 weeks ago i already like it alot u may not be able to watch videos but thats okay. the touch screen is awsome and the full keypad is great the web is slow unless u get the opra mini one the phone may not have apps YET but its coming as for being a phone on a pre paid carrier it works well. the phone is in pink as well and the seek is far BETTER than the initigo, and the rant. this phone was most likley targeted for the ages 12-20 it is a good smart phone with a nice touch screen
i HAATE IT >:(
Hey i might get this phone for my birthday…..does anyone know if we can upload status into our aims thingy?! Can someone lmk asap!! Its not to late to change of opinion
someone pls help me and lmk thank you!
Does anyone know how i can upload photos on my facebook from my seek?????? i am getting pissed! and has anybody had a prob with the temperature getting too high on their samsung seek?
i have an all black one an love it
can you be talking on the phone and text at the same time?
uneed to get the pink one
Does anyone know how you can access youtube on the Samsung Seek phone for boost mobile??? It says it’s not supported?!
how do you pull up photo from the seek sd card
i see everyone seems to love this phone, i just ditched my old phone and updated to this one, yet im not reciving any texts
i send them fine. i had my brother test it for me with his phone, and a few friends, they get my texts but i dont get thiers
ihave the phone it works good. but its a little slow. yes you can recive picture msqes as well as talk and text. id rather have aother phone but oh well. i just hate the fact that your msqs sometimes come in 2 hours late. idont really care if icant watch viedos bkus thats not what a phones for. but ido want another one
How does the web work?
love this phone im geting it
I dont have browser or camrea on my phone so lam!!!!!!!