
iPhone Owners Have More Bed-Friend Partners: Do They?

We want to get to the bottom of the latest news of iPhone owners have more bed-friend partners, because we have all age groups visiting this site we like to steer clear off adding words that could offend (You know the word S. E and X), that’s all your getting so behave.

We read an article over on Mashable and they report that iPhone owners have more ‘fun’ partners than any other smartphone user; OkCupid put this study together. The list then says in number 2 is BlackBerry users then followed by Android users.

We will not go into statistics so please do read the full article over on Mashable and let us know what you think, pretty interesting when you look at the stats.

We want to keep this sweet and simple and basically would like for you to let us know how many fun partners have you had? What smartphone do you own? And what age are you? Please tell us if you are male or female as well.

What we want to know:

    1. How many fun partners have you had?
    2. What smartphone do you own?
    3. What age are you?
    4. Are you male or female?

WARNING: – Your comments will be deleted if we feel that they are unfit for young readers, please refrain from using bad or indeed sexual wordings. Thank you so much


One thought on “iPhone Owners Have More Bed-Friend Partners: Do They?”

  1. keith says:

    1. How many fun partners have you had? 100ish
    2. What smartphone do you own? Samsung Galaxy S T-Mobile
    3. What age are you? 32
    4. Are you male or female? male

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