Has Facebook Places Been Added To Your Region Yet?
The new Facebook iPhone app has now been updated to version 3.2 and now adds Places service, which we mentioned earlier on today.
Today we went into the app store via our iPhone and installed the new update, once the Facebook app was open you can clearly see the new icon saying ‘Places’, but we got the message saying “This feature will be available in your region soon. Thank you for your patience.”
So it seems certain regions in the US and UK is unavailable, the new Facebook update does feature some cool stuff like: Setting the privacy of individual status updates, See all recipients of inbox messages, Fixed some Notes display bugs, Fixed a delay when commenting on a post or posting a status update, (iOS 4) Upload photos and videos in the background and Fixed some reliability bugs in News Feed (features via TiPB).
Please do let us know if Facebook Places has been added in your region yet, if it has please let us know what you like or dislike about the new update, and please do let us know what new features you have come across.
32 thoughts on “Has Facebook Places Been Added To Your Region Yet?”
Colonial Beach, VA (USA). Same screen here.
Not available in my area of Minneapolis, Minnesota yet. Bummer.
Not available in Orlando fl. Seems fb was a little premature in turning this on
I’m in Tampa, FL and it’s not available here yet. WTF?! A city of 2.5 million people…?
Jacksonville Florida. Nothing here either.
Nothing in Boston either. My guess is that they’ve released the functionality but not turned it in yet. Has anyone heard of a location where it DOES work?
NYC nothing?!
Same deal in Pittsburgh, PA.
When will this work and how does it integrate with foursquare?
Not available in San Antonio, Texas.
Not active in Nashville, TN.
Not available in Arlington, Va
Not for Thomson, Ga. Not surprised, really.
Not available in Charlotte, NC
I'm in NJ, 45 minutes from NYC and I'm apparently not in the magic "region" yet either.
Not in Dallas/Ft Worth yet.
90 miles north of Houston, TX. Same thing here. WTF
Not available in the Fairfield, CA region yet either.
In Tampa as well, it's still a big city, so it should be working here
I’m in San Francisco, California area where Facebook HQ is located.
It’s not available here yet!
its ok i am in NYC and its not active here either
Houston Texas, same screen
No go in Pittsburgh PA also…
It’s not here in Austin, TX where one of the partners on the places features is located (Gowalla). If it’s available for checking in yet its for beta users only I bet
It’s not even available in Oakland,CA — less than an hour away from Facebook’s HQ!
Not available in Houston, TX
Not available in Portland, OR
Two people are noted when I open places. Seems like invasion of privacy?
I don't need to know where they are!
Can we turn off, w/o turning off maps and other location services in iPhone?
Not available in Tallahassee, FL
Not available in London, England
Nottingham Uk, not working
Not available in vamcouver, canada either
Available in London, United Kingdom