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Verizon V Cast App Store for Android Coming?

The V Cast App Store for BlackBerry must be doing quite well for the Big Red as apparently Verizon is now accepting submissions for Android software which will eventually make it into the V Cast App Store.

The new of the Android inclusion to V Cast comes from Ross Miller over at Engadget and by way of a purported letter obtained by the guys over at Android and Me which apparently says that Verizon has been dishing out letters to developers shouting the virtues of opting to use the V Cast store rather than the Android Market.

Apparently there is no testing fee, a 14 day turnaround, 70/30 split which favours the developer, carrier billing along with a promise that there will be a subscription billion option eventually.

Android 2.2 Froyo devices are the initial flavour of choice, so that means such smartphones as Verizon’s HTC Droid X, HTC Droid Incredible and HTC Droid 2 and such although other versions of the Android OS may be considered at a later date.

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