National Mobile Phone Ban Whilst Driving in US a No Go
If you are one of those who use a mobile phone whilst driving a vehicle over in the USA, you really should stop and the US government should put in place a national ban against phone usage at the wheel, why? Because it can cost lives, and not just your own.
According to an article over on Pocket Now by Brandon Miniman, the US Governors Highways Safety Association has its annual meeting where they will decide on whether to endorse a ban on phone usage whilst driving.
Although if they agree to endorse such a move it doesn’t mean it will become a nation wide law it does get things one step closer to that goal; however only 8 states in the United States so far have banned using a mobile phone while driving unless using a Bluetooth solution.
Unfortunately though the Governors Highways Safety Association has decided that they will not endorse such a national ban at this time and cite lack of evidence that putting forward a nationwide ban would reduce accidents but will again vote on the issue next year.
It seems strange to me just why they would need evidence that a ban would reduce accidents, it’s a bit like saying we have to see some road kill before we believe it’s dangerous. Personally I think it’s about time these guys opened their eyes and realise just how dangerous it is.
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