
Steve Jobs Apple Guru Loves Pulse App for iPhone and iPad

If you create mobile apps for the Apple iPhone and Apple iPad then the best endorsement for said applications has to be from the Apple Guru, Steve Jobs himself, right? I mean if Steve says it’s good then it’s got to be good.

Well according to an article over on CNN by Dan Simon, during a recent event the main man of Apple, Apple CEO Steve Jobs heaped praise upon an iPad application which was created by some grad students at Stanford University.

The app praised by the Apple chief is called Pulse, an app developed by Akshay Kothari and Ankit Gupta who are from India. The Pulse for iPhone and iPad app aggregates news from numerous websites and has now become one of the top selling apps for iPhone and iPad.

The students Pulse app saw a boost when Steve Jobs made mention of their app during the Apple Developers Conference back in June. Co-founder and CEO of Alphonso Labs that makes the Pulse app, Kothari said, “That was special. We got the biggest stamp of approval we could have gotten.”

The Pulse app is also an Android app which enables users to pull in content for up to sixty publications and the user can touch a link which pops them over to the publication’s site.

So there you go, if you really want to hit the big time in the App Store what you really need is a little praise and mention from the guy at the top, of course other apps have hit the big time without Jobs endorsement, but a few words from him does seem to go a long way.

The Pulse app for the iPhone and Android costs $0.99 while for the iPad the app costs $1.99.

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