
VLC iPhone Media Player App Review: Your Opinion

If you want a great app then you may want to download VLC media player, which was up until now the most popular cross platform open source media player favoured for Linux, Windows and OS X, well now you can have it on your Apple iPhone.

VLC for iPhone App is very good indeed but hey who are we to say such a thing, you the reader are the best reviewer and we would love for those that have installed this app on their iPhone’s to come forward and send us your personal reviews.

VLC for iPhone will allow you to play every single video format out there, developers of the VideoLAN player just got the VLC 1.1.0 update approved and this means that it will run on the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and recent iPod touch models.

You still reading and not downloaded it yet? OK, if you are still here maybe we should tell you a little bit more about this cool app.

You will be able to load videos from your PC via iTunes for playback and to do this all you need to do is; In the “Apps” tab of your iDevice in iTunes, scroll down to the “File Sharing” option. You will be given a list of all the apps that have file-sharing compatibility on your device. Select VLC, and click “Add” to add video content from Finder.

If you have not downloaded VLC for iPhone yet then please do so by visiting iTunes, if you have installed it then please do send in your personal reviews as your opinion is important to our readers and of course us.

Source –iDB


6 thoughts on “VLC iPhone Media Player App Review: Your Opinion”

  1. Kev says:

    I'm quite happy to have this on my iPhone, its about time to say the least.
    However, there are alot of flaws with it, including; not being able to play mp4 very well. (which is supposed to be the one format iPhone can cope with, so this shows that VLC player needs some work on it)
    I have been playing around with my RealPlayer Converter to customise the perfect format. And I do believe I've found it.
    So using the Windows Media format, use the following for a decent (LOW FILE SIZE) viewable video.
    Quality: 256kbps
    Resolution: 480×320

    Format: AAC
    Quality: 96kbps

    This gave me a conversion from 17mb to 3mb without loosing too much quality, it played well, and sounded good.
    and although a pain to convert, having a reduced file size means more videos, and the option to delete them in the app if you wish.


  2. Ian Tullie says:

    Unfortunately, I find the app useless – playback is jerky with lots of tearing, even on a relatively low bitrate and resolution AVI file, in an iPhone4. If I have to convert files to play through it, I might as well convert them for use in the normal Apple iPod player. It's a shame as I use VLC exclusively at home on my PCs and was really hoping for the same flexibility on the iPhone app.

  3. mtfsm says:

    Fantastic! I have a Touch 4g, and VLC plays almost any video file I throw at it.
    I wish, however, that it had a verticle scroll bar. I've got a few hundred short video clips loaded, and VLC Player always opens at the top of the list. I'd like to be able to get to the middle or bottom of the list easier than constantly swiping to move a page or so at a time.

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