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Covert Apple iOS Developer Conference on Cards

Now we know that iPhone maker Apple likes to keep things under lock and key until such times as they are good and ready to make anything public, but it appears that Apple is now going covert with their developer conferences, well at least one anyway.

According to an article over on the Boy Genius Report by Andrew Munchbach, Business Insider is claiming that Apple is holding what appears to be a “Secret iOS developer summit next week,” which is apparently by invite only.

Apparently said covert iOS developer conference begins on Tuesday and will run for 3 days in California according to an “industry source,” however as usual nothing has been official confirmed at this moment in time.

Just what the secret iOS developer conference will entail isn’t known but it is rumoured that Apple could be using the event to polish iOS 4.2 apps in time for when Apple pushes out the next release of iOS. All hush-hush at the moment, so do our readers have any suggestions as to what will go on at this Apple iOS event?

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