A brand new iPhone and iPad game title called Infinity Blade is on its way, Epic Games has revealed this awesome looking game and we have some details for you.
Infinity Blade Game App will make its way to the Apple iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad, Chair Entertainment developed this game, you know the people behind Shadow Complex the Xbox 360 downloadable title.
This is an action role-playing game that features a villain God-King inside a giant castle and you the knight has to prepare for battle, whilst playing this game gamers will have to earn experience and become gain more powerful equipment as the fight goes on, you will be using many swords and weapons.
Unreal Engine 3 will be used within this game and this is good news because the likes of Batman: Arkham Asylum, Borderlands and BioShock games used this technology.
We do not know nothing about the games price or release date as of yet but we will let you know as soon as we know. Please let us know what you think of this new game coming to Apple devices.
Source — USA Today