Android 2.2 Froyo For UK Samsung Galaxy S Available Now
For anyone in the United Kingdom who owns a Samsung Galaxy S smartphone running Android 2.1 and waiting for Samsung to finally push out the Android 2.2 Froyo update for your handset, apparently your wait is now over.
According to an article over on the Boy Genius Report by Andrew Munchbach, Samsungukmobile has tweeted that UK Samsung Galaxy S owner can now start grabbing the Android 2.2 Froyo update via Samsung Kies.
There’s what Samsung UK announced via their Twitter account…” Froyo starts rolling out today; everyone will have it by the end of Nov. To prepare, get the latest version of Kies.”
So there you have it, no more waiting, well that is if you can actually get Samsung Kies to allow you to grab the Android update, something I personally have been having difficulty with, but if you manage to download Android 2.2 Froyo feel free to let us know how you got on.
31 thoughts on “Android 2.2 Froyo For UK Samsung Galaxy S Available Now”
Hi can anyone help me? Whenever i load up kies it disconnects my internet so when it searches for the firmware update it cant find an internet connection. But my phone connects fine to kies. Anyone know how to solve this?
turn wifi on phone connect to kies to search for firmware update, all went fine apart from result off no update available but i'm on o2 so that may be the problem.
Hi can anyone help me? Whenever i load up kies it disconnects my internet so when it searches for the firmware update it cant find an internet connection. But my phone connects fine to kies. Anyone know how to solve this?
Got the update last night, after a few initial problems with errors being thrown up about things failing to load but a clear cache and delete user data sorted it. Definitely worth the upgrade. bbc iplayer runs like a dream. what you reading this for go and do it now!!!!! 5* upgrade.
hi, paul can u tell me what network and firmware was you on before you updated to Froyo becos i am trying since thursday to update via kies but it keep saying your firmware can not be updated. i am currently on XXJM1 which i installed from SAMFIRMWARE.COM.
your detailed reply will be appreciated. thanks.shahid
Agreed. It would be nice if everybody that successfully updates can state at least what network they are on. Currently JF3 and update not available for T-Mobile (allegedly)
Updated using KIES today and it worked fine – although I've not noticed a massive change as yet.
I also had problems with connecting using KIES but now fine it works fine as long as you turn the phone off (including removing the battery) and restart it bofore connecting to the computer. You shouldn't need to do this but it works.
Have connected using Keis OK, but not found the upgrade anywhere – I'm guessing it will appear within "Update Firmware" option?
I guess the news did say START rolling out today so perhaps a phased release. More waiting…
i have tried to download froyo which has been released but kies keeps crashing on my pc is there any other way of getting froyo
Hi , whenever i try to update, it says phone frimware canot be updateted. Due to firmware vesion. I know its an orange branded phone, could this be the case?
orange and t mobile need to wait for their version to update via kies
ya um i have been waiting for 2.2 since i got my vibrant 4 months ago and 2.2 was about to come out then and all of the other people that have it love it. They promised it last month and its now a month and a half after there promised time. They need to just give out the main version of froyo and people would be happy with it.
ive had my sammy galaxay s froyo 2.2 for two days now" (vodafone) update is great !! but there is a fault with andriod market and some other google apps, contacted suplier said these would be resolved within 48 hrs of update.
Been searching the internet trying to find out what happening with the frozen yoghurt update when i came upon this.…
I have a galaxy s from 3 and i am also trying to update without success, can someone please clear this mess up please
I have a samsung galaxy s on 3 and cannot get an update yet. Can anyone else on 3?
same problem sgs on 3 … but now with o2 card, no update to 2.2 ? anyone ?
the same here for me, no update to 2.2. Samsung Galaxy S on three network. You try to contact the customer service?
no i haven't contacted customer services yet. On all the press releases I have read it seems to say that froyo is being rolled out over november and all phones on all networks should have it by the end of november. If it gets till then and still no update, I'll contact customer services. If anyone has any success through them or by any other means before then, it would be very useful to know.
no i haven't contacted customer services yet. On all the press releases I have read it seems to say that froyo is being rolled out over november and all phones on all networks should have it by the end of november. If it gets till then and still no update, I'll contact customer services. If anyone has any success through them or by any other means before then, it would be very useful to know.
hi contacted 3 cs all they are saying is 2.2 comes from samsung that they had tested it and passed it for release through samsung kies !
Hi I chatted with Three yesterday and gave them a right hard time about their network not supporting Froyo yet. After half an hour of me busting there chops they were prepared to change my Samsung Galaxy S to the HTC Desire with Froyo but they assured me Froyo will be avaliable For Samsung Galaxy S on Three at the end of November maybe by the middle of November. Not long to wait……
Three have tweeted on a couple of occassikns to say they have passed their version of 2.2 (with three logos and loading screens etc) to samsung for them to quality check it before it is released on kies. I am in the same boat been checking on a daily basis will update when its available
Im in the same boat. Always felt it was likely that SGS on 3 would be the last to get an update but glad some of you have contacted 3 and got a response. Thoroughly bored waiting for it but I'm a real believer in the SGS, have thoroughly enjoyed owning it so far as I find it very intuitive. Looking forward to any improvements Fro' may bring. Do you think Gingerbread will follow in time or will Froyo be where supported updates stop?
Anyone know if it's available on 3 yet through kies? Also if they have taken this long with it will they actually go ahead and support gingerbread why is just round the corner…
contacted 3 today they said i will get a text saying my sgs is ready for firmware update although somehow im thinking it is just a fob off……..
galaxy s froyo update on three is now live three tweeted about it yesterday in updating mine through kies at the mo
hi im on orange with the samsung galaxy s try updating to 2.2. today still no luck anyone have know why ? has anyone else on orange managed to get it?
Hi Ppl, am so happy 2 say tat Orange has released d FROYO update on KIES………. Just now updated ma Galaxy S and u know wat, its AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! Update ur Galaxy S dudes…………
this is rediculouse. Im with T Mobile. just cheked Kies. STILL NO BLOODY UPDATES AVAILABLE!!! WHY!!!!! I may as well just upgrade to a better phone by the time they get around to it. This is just STUPID!!!!!!
Im with Orange and when I try to update through the new version of kies it still comes up with the following:
I was on the understanding that orange had released the updates!! does any one know why i cant update my galaxy s???? very frustrated waiting for update!!!!