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Google Search App for Windows Phone 7 Available, Got it?

If you own a Windows Phone 7 device and don’t particularly like Bing Search or you are a lover of Google Search, you can now download the Google Search app for Windows Phone 7 from the WP7 Marketplace.

According to an article over on Gizmodo by Kat Hannaford and by way of the official Google Blog, Google has now release their Google Search app for Windows Phone 7 so you can ditch Bing, which is only fair as Bing is available in the Android Market.

The Windows Phone 7 Google Search app includes numerous features that enable the user to search faster such as auto-suggestions as you type and all the usual stuff associated with Google Search.

Google has said that they have flipped the switch for Windows Phone 7 Google Search to go live but for some reason doesn’t appear on the WP7 marketplace at the moment and when I checked a few minutes ago it still wasn’t there.

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