The big battle in the mobile space has been between Android and iOS for quite some time, and no doubt that battle will continue with the iOS faithful sticking to their guns that iOS is bigger than Android and the Android faithful will say otherwise, so which side is right?
Well according to an article over on Mashable by Jolie O’Dell, in November according to mobile ad store Millennial Media Android and iOS devices both managed to grab 38 percent of November’s mobile impressions, a tie.
However apparently a recent top 30 mobile devices list showed that when counting al iOS devices they just outnumber Android; however if you take out tablets and the like and only take into account smartphones, then it’s a different picture with Android grabbing a much larger share.
When it comes to just OS Apple’s iOS has the head, remove the Apple iPad and Apple iPod and only count smartphones, Android takes the lead, something no doubt the iPhone faithful will hit back with the old story that Apple has just one device the iPhone while Android has many.
When it comes to that top 30 mobile devices list, no less than 13 Android devices made it onto the list with the Motorola Droid coming out as the best Android handset with 37.6 percent followed by the Samsung Galaxy S with 9.3 percent.
So apparently the figures show that when it comes to iOS smartphones and Android smartphones Android beats iOS, but when you take into account other devices such as the Apple iPad then iOS takes back that lead.
For what it’s worth, no matter what the figures say there will always be rivalry between iOS and Android and each of their loyal customers will always come down on the side of their chosen platform. The Android verses iOS and vice versa battle will continue for a lot longer yet.