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iOS 4.3 Comes With New Find My Friends Feature

As you probably know, the latest operating system for Apple devices, iOS 4.3 was released to developers the other day, and apparently developers have been digging deep into the OS to find out what they can, and have discovered a new feature.

According to an article over on the Boy Genius Report by Zach Epstein, and by way of Macrumors, a new feature has been found in the iOS 4.3 code known as “Find My Friends”.

Apparently what this new “Find My Friends” feature actually does isn’t known at the moment, but as the name suggests it’s something to do with locating friends its probably to do with MobileMe and apparently the code string bares that out.

According to Zack, its probably in line with Google Latitude which enables a user to broadcast their locations to their friends. So as soon as we hear more on iOS 4.3 features we’ll pass them along.

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