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LG G-Slate Seen in Korean Music Video

Well what do you know, it appears the LG G-Slate tablet has popped up in a music video, and why not, didn’t the BlackBerry PlayBook do much the same with the Black Eyed Peas?

Anyway according to an article over on Tmonews, and by way of Journaldugeek, a tablet which could well be the LG G-Slate is seen in a Korean music video which of course we have for your viewing pleasure below and comes from YouTube user Jaeurazn2010.

The music video lasts almost four minutes and the music isn’t half bad, and as for that LG G-Slate apparently these are the first sightings of the device other than what was seen at CES 2010.

As for specs, the LG G-Slate apparently ruins Android 3.0 Honeycomb, sports a Tegra 2 1GHz dual-core processor, 839 inch IPS WVGA touch screen which can apparently display 3D without requiring glasses, and two cameras.

Anyway that’s about it all you need do now is nip on down, mash that play button and check out the music video below …enjoy.

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