iPhone Jailbreak Untethered 4.2.1 Using Redsn0w 0.9.7
Yesterday we mentioned about the new untethered jailbreak solution for iOS 4.2.1 on the iPhone 4 and now we would like to let you know about the final version of Redsn0w 0.9.7.
Everyone loves the idea of jailbreaking their iphone’s and many jailbreaks are very easy to do, but when it comes to an untethered jailbreak they are not available to all customers and that is where the iPhone Dev Team step in to provide you with what you want, this is where the new Redsn0w 0.9.7 that is in the final beta stage steps in.
This software will allow you to untether jailbreak your iOS devices running iOS 4.2.1 by using the iOS 4.1 files instead of those iOS 4.2b3 SHSH blobs according to TFTS.
The latest version of Redsn0w (0.9.7) is known as “Monte” and is being tested right now and MuscleNerd confirms via Twitter that iOS 4.1 files were used. No one is sure as of yet if the Verizon iPhone 4 can be jailbroken easily and as usual time will tell.
We will keep you posted about this new release, in the meantime please do let us know what you think of the iPhone Jailbreak Untethered 4.2.1 Using Redsn0w 0.9.7.
11 thoughts on “iPhone Jailbreak Untethered 4.2.1 Using Redsn0w 0.9.7”
can u pls tell me if i can untether jailbreak my ios 4.2.1 device if i dont have shsh for 4.1 saved ?…
You can, because the new redsn0w will fetch them during the jailbreak if you don’t have them.
not yet, but an untethered greenpois0n should come out soon for those like you!
anyone have an idea when the fully functioning untethered version is due to be released
This is ridiculous. Give us greenpois0n even with the network/wifi icons bug. It's a small price to pay for jailbreaking. We've been waiting for over 2 months now dammit.
Love people who bitch about FREE stuff from other people.
i want a jailbreak me type again, so easy!!!!
Aww poor drifter, been waiting two months for some other people to work their arses off to jailbreak your phone for free? I'll be very grateful if and when someone comes up with an untethered 4.2.1 jailbreak – and I'll consider myself lucky if they do.
me to !!!!
Lost my JAilbreak when updated Apple software to 4.2.1. Have Iphone 3G. Windows 7. With all the various things going on I am not sure if there is something now out there or I still need to wait (and I really DO appreciate all the work that os going on on our behalf.
I have downloaded
edsn0w_win_0.9.6b4[1] but it does not seem to find my 4.2.1 Firmware, which I asssume is something to do with Windows 7?
Have jailbroken 3gs on ios 4.0.1. Ineed an app that requires ios 4.1. Are there any solutions yet?