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Android LG G-Slate Glimpsed in Video

As far as I am aware there haven’t been that many sightings of the latest Android 3.0 Honeycomb sporting LG G-Slate tablet, but we have one for your viewing pleasure below as the device has somehow found its way into the hands of a YouTube user.

The video footage comes our way courtesy of the guys over at Ubergizmo and by way of Engadget and was spotted in a video by MysteryGuitarMan, and after some weird ramblings by the guy he shows the back of what appears to be the LG G-Slate at almost the end of the footage.

As you will see in the video, albeit very quickly, there is a metal strip on its rear with Google branding and what looks to be a single LED flash along with a couple of unknown connectors at the bottom but other than that there’s not a great deal to see.

Have to say though this LG G-Slate looks somewhat different to me to the LG G-Slate seen in a previous music video, and we don’t get to see the front of the device, so is this tablet the LG G-Slate?

Perhaps LG will get round to pushing out some official images of the device sooner rather than later, so until then I’ll leave it up to you to decide by checking out the footage below…enjoy.

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