
Verizon iPhone 4 jailbreak Official, Greenpois0n RC5.4 Released

Some of the lucky ones have received their new Verizon iPhone 4 and today we can reveal that they can be jailbroken, the Verizon iPhone now has Cydia running very smoothly.

Thanks to BlogsDNA that have a few screenshots of this all up and running and working just fine, they mentioned yesterday about the new Greenpois0n RC5 capable of jailbreaking Verizon iPhone 4 and that a few fixes were being sorted out for Greenpois0n to work on, well we have more good news about that also.

The screenshots over on the BlogsDNA come courtesy of Lunch8ox and Pod2g, The process of jailbreaking is pretty similar to Greenpois0n RC5 iPhone 4 jailbreak and it shouldn’t take more than minute to complete the jailbreak.

You will be happy to know that you can download the new Greenpois0n RC5.4 that will now jailbreak your Verizon iPhone 4 4.2.6 iOS on Mac OS X, here is the download.

Please do let us know about this download and how it went, we want to know the good the bad and the ugly please.

Source — 9to5Mac

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