
BlackBerry Playbook (RIM) Tablet: OS Simulator Embeds Browser

RIM (Research In Motion) are going all out to impress you with their new BlackBerry Browser for the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet, they have an updated version of the BlackBerry Tablet OS simulator that embeds the full BlackBerry Browser.

Developers can now get to grips with testing web apps and Adobe Flash apps so that they can get the full support for the new BlackBerry PlayBook.

A few things to learn about the new BlackBerry Browser running on the BlackBerry Tablet OS includes the user agent will still continue to match the current User Agent pattern, which means you can run it with their smartphone products.

The user agent for the BlackBerry Torch 9800 smartphone is Mozilla/5.0 (BlackBerry; U; BlackBerry 9800; en) AppleWebKit/534.1+ and (KHTML, Like Gecko) Version/ Mobile Safari/534.1+. The BlackBerry PlayBook user agent is Mozilla/5.0 (PlayBook; U; RIM Tablet OS 1.0.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.8+ and (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/0.0.1 Safari/534.8+.

RIM Quote:

The browser builds on the existing support for web standards such as HTML5 for the BlackBerry by adding support for HTML5 Video and Audio based on the power and flexibility of the underlying BlackBerry Tablet OS. The simulator does not support all codecs and some audio/video testing will require hardware to fully test. The browser supports Adobe Flash 10.1, and Adobe Flash developers will be able to test the Adobe Flash player in the simulator. We will continue to work closely with Adobe to enhance the Adobe Flash implementation as we lead up to launch, and we appreciate feedback from the community on your experiences with the Adobe Flash player and browsing experience overall.

We are calling out to all developers that are testing their web apps on the BlackBerry Tablet OS simulator.

Please download the simulator here, we also suggest you checking out the BlackBerry WebWorks platform if you wish to join in on the free BlackBerry PlayBook tablet offer.


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