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Motorola Xoom to Release in Europe in 2nd Quarter

For those of your who may have a hankering to snap up the new Android 3.0 Honeycomb Motorola Xoom when it finally sees release over here in Europe, you just might like to know roughly when you’ll be seeing the tablet his European shores.

Well according to an article over on Slash Gear and by way of Android Community, Motorola has announced Europeans are likely to see the release of the Motorola Xoom sometime in the second quarter, so not too far away then.

Motorola will apparently release both the WiFi only and WiF + 3G Motorola Xoom model’s to Europe, although they didn’t come forward with an specific release date or any word on what the tablet will set European customers back.

Quick general spec reminder in case for some reason you’ve missed them…10.1-inch HD touch screen, 1GHz dual-core processor, 5 megapixel rear camera with 720p video, 2 megapixel front facing camera, HDMI out, accelerometer, gyroscope, compass, and barometer, Google Maps 5.0 with 3D interaction and a battery that delivers up to 10 hours video playback.

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