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BlackBerry Storm 3 Captured on Video

Well I thought this one was dead and buried long ago but apparently I was wrong because it appears that someone has managed to capture some video footage of the BlackBerry Storm 3 also known as the BlackBerry Monaco.

Apparently the original poster of the video quickly pulled the footage after only a few minutes of being live, but thanks to the fast acting guys over at Crackberry they managed to grab a copy of the video and we have that for your viewing pleasure below.

The video comes our way courtesy of the guys over at Slash Gear and by way of Electronista and of course the Crackberry YouTube page and delivers just 59 seconds of BlackBerry Storm 3 viewing.

According to the Crackberry guys, the BlackBerry Storm 3 should come sporting a 3.7-inch 15:9 aspect ratio display, Qualcomm 1.2GHz processor, 5 megapixel camera with flash and 720p video, 4GB storage, microSD expansion up to 32GB, GPS< WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC, OpenGLS 2.0, BlackBerry Evolution 6 and Enhanced BlackBerry SW v6.1.

Apparently the BlackBerry Storm 3/ Monaco isn’t expected to be announced until sometime in May so RIM could still change a few things with the software. So, with that said, all you need do now is jump on down and hit the play button…enjoy.

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