
Motorola Xoom Gaining Flash 10.2 Coming OTA Soon

As you know and may have been somewhat disappointed, the new Android 3.0 Honeycomb sporting tablet from the Motorola camp, the Motrola Xoom will not have Adobe Flash support on initial release, as reported (here), but all is not lost because the Xoom will get Flash quite soon.

According to an article over on Droid-life and by way of Android Central, the Motorola Xoom will gain the latest version of Adobe Flash, Flash 10.2 rather than Flash 10.1 in a few weeks time by over the air update.

According to Adobe…” Adobe will offer Flash Player 10.2 preinstalled on some tablets and as an OTA download on others within a few weeks of Android 3 (Honeycomb) devices becoming available, the first of which is expected to be the Motorola Xoom.”

So basically although the downer with the Motorola Xoom is that there will be no Adobe Flash support at the outset, it shouldn’t be that long before the Android tablets plays nice with Adobe Flash 10.2, of course that is if there are no unexpected delays in pushing it out.

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