Samsung Epic 4G Problems Since Android 2.2 Froyo
Even though Sprint has not yet released Android 2.2 Froyo update on the Samsung Epic 4G Samsung has and we want to hear from you if you are experiencing any problems at all.
Earlier on today PhonesReview author James told us about the new update that users can get via the Samsung Support Page, and if you have not got already all you need to do is simply get the .exe file running on your PC and then update via USB connection.
We would love to know if you opted for the above approach to download or did you go for the Mac link option where you can get an file (This works straight from the Samsung Epic 4G’s SD card).
Some Samsung Epic 4G users are experiencing problems and one of our readers says “It’s been forcing closing some apps, I can’t open my music player now but that’s about it! “
If you visit XDA-Developers there has been problems such as force close issues with any sound app? Can get system sounds, but cannot play music files.
Seems like there are a few teething problems and we would love to hear from you, are you having Android 2.2 Froyo update problems on your Samsung Epic 4G, please do use the commenting area below. We would also like to hear from those that have a perfectly working mobile phone since updating.
240 thoughts on “Samsung Epic 4G Problems Since Android 2.2 Froyo”
Downloaded the zip file to my SD card and installed. Only bug I've noticed yet is that the base email "select and delete multiple emails" functionality doesn't work on my phone. Can select emails and hit "delete"…phone says they're deleted and the emails don't go away. If I open each one and select delete, they are deleted normally.
Same thing was happening to me. I removed the account and readded. Seemed to clear up the issue
Thanks! That cleared the problem up for me as well.
Web browser has crashed a few times, something which didn't happen in 2.1. Battery life seems noticeably shorter but I'll reserve judgment until I've used it a couple of weeks to normalize out the "playing with the new toy" factor. Calendar no longer syncs with Google calendar, despite my removing and rechecking the "sync" calendar option, which is a real irritation. Random vibrations a couple of times a day.
I had the same problem with my calander syncing then found a solution on line. Clear the calander storage cache.…
I have the same problem after doing the official OTA update to Froyo 2.2
Yes I’ve been having quite a few problems w it. It caused my phone to crash for no reason and sometimes the video player freezes and my phone starts to vibrate randomly
same happened to my phone i actually had to factory reset my epic because it crashed
sim problem here. Phone freezed, then screen goes blank and phone vibrates (one pulse then two, cont) only way to stop it is to remove the battery.
Only thing i'm experiencing problems with is the music player/gallery/camera. Everything else works fine. But photos in the gallery says that no images exist in it. Etc but yet the photos remain in the "my files" app.
Got this problem and the multiple delete email force close as well
I have these exact problems. Camera won't work. No images show in the gallery even though they exist on the sd card. Music Player won't work. I also can't change the notification for text messages. Right now it just vibrates. I am unable to add sound to it. Also, when I try to hook my phone to the computer using the usb cord, it doesn't work.
I am having the same issue! I called Sprint Technical Support and after 2 hours of working with them they advised me to go to the store and see if they can fix it. If it can not be fixed tomorrow they will ship me a new phone! We will see what happens!
Many of my google calendar events are missing from my mobile phone.
Me too Debbie
The Google Calendar on your phone will only sync with new events created from your gmail account. It will not sync with existing calendar entries that you have previously entered. You need to make a change to your existing calendar entries on your computer, then they will sync to your phone. I edited my existing events by changing the name, adding a description, or adding a location.
Mike, that is the behavior I've seen. I can't go and change ALL my events though!
That's way too much effort.
just go to settings, then privacy setting, and factory data reset that works 100% just log back in and all done!
After reading another post, I think I've found the answer to this! I went into Settings => Applications => Manage Applications. I then chose "Running" in the top bar, and then selected "Calendar Storage". I selected "Clear data". Then I went back into the Calendar App and forced a re-sync. It looks like everything is back.
Thanks- I had this problem after doing the official update which showed up on my phone last night-did what you suggested and everything's back in My Calendar and Jorte, which is the app I generally use.
I tried what Kevin suggested above to no avail several times, but then on about the 5th try over 2 days it finally worked. Patience! Grrr.
You've SAVED MY LIFE, Kevin. Thank you
Both my sister and I have Epic's, she panicked, but I had her export her calendar just in case and used your suggestion which saved the day. Thanks Kevin.
Thank you so much!
I did as you suggested and worked beautifully. Thanks.
I tried this and it only pulled my recurring events, not any of the individual appointments.
THANK YOU! I had the same problem with calendar, and I live by that calendar. Your solution worked! I previously took my phone to the Sprint store and they didn't know how to fix it.
I got update this morning and noticed events missing on phone – went to calendar/settings/calendar sync/and hit the gmail line to make it sync manually and events on phone were back where they belonged.
I used the and the only problems I'm experiencing are the same sound and image gallery problems list in a previous post, right now I'm backing up my SD contents and I'm going to try to reformat and restore data. (Wish me luck ;-D)
No problems on this end. I guess, it helps that I'm a techie by professionial background. I have to say that the only instance of a "force close" was yesterday evening, when I was trying out my Pandora app. Other than that, myself and my better half are enjoying the update. No problems since then. Cheers from across the pond in Austin, TX.
Same with me….I’ve had some problems deleting photos. Also, the phone does vibrate randomly now.
What do you do after dowloading the zip and loading it to the sd card?
I cannot take pictures on my Epic since updating my phone..
The camera app wont open and there is no picture in my gallery anymore
I got my update OTA this morning and new problems as of yet.
no camera, no music from my media player. seems all else works fine. really bummed about camera
Same here
Anyone know how to fix this?
I think tp4ajb has the answer in a previous post . Tried using another SD card with all the contents of original card copied over to that one and everything works fine.
Updating via Samsung support page now – will follow up with comments once complete.
No issues here, I downloaded on installed last night from Samsung, and installed thru zip file on SD card.
Everything is working as planned. I move applications over to my SD card, Sync my contacts with the google server, My calandar now syncs properly, and email is working just fine. No issues with MP3 player or media HUB at this time. No issues with 2.2.1 running on Sprint Epic 4G.
how were you able to move apps onto your sd card?
Camera, Music Player (double twist works but the stock player doesn't), All Share crash. Astro not showing option on which music players to choose from. This may be why they were holding back the update for so long… Perhaps this version (with these couple of problems) is much less than the number of problems they had when we were all anxiously waiting and waiting for Froyo…
I'm noticing the alarm (clock) doesn't work too…
It works…! Apparently, there's some bug that occurs with the SD card after upgrade… I noticed this when I plugged the phone to my computer as a mass storage device (the SD card is unavailable to the phone when you do this). Then I tried the camera and everything else that wasn't working – they worked (with a message that the SD card was in use)! I took a chance and copied all the data from the SD card to my computer, then reformatted the SD card (quick format worked), and copied all the data back to the SD card. Tried the camera again (with computer not connected) and tried the other items that didn't work – they all worked! I don't know what happens to the SD card after the update but I can imagine that this problem would panic those who are not accustomed to tinkering… despite this, Android is still "taking over" the phone OS market share.
I'm having some problems, Can't get into the android market, alarm won't even open, internet bookmarks seem to be hiding ( the phone says they are there but I can't find them anywhere) and the phone will not connect to my gmail account no matter what I do.
Can someone tell me if there is a way to uninstall the update and get my phone back to functioning please!!
my mother is having this same issue, (told her to get EVO, but she wanted keyboard) but she did the OTA which I should've told her never to do any updates because of these issues……now she can't access google telling her password is wrong, she can't access android market she gets some force close error that allows her to report it….phone resets out of nowhere……cam does not work and says no pics on mem card but they are there????…….she can't hear any calls because the ringtones won't play nor can she set any ringtones…..I don't think she tried the music player but I'm sure that's FOOBAR'ed as well.
My mom called freaking out about her issues and I'm 2 hrs away and now have to go and handle the issues these phones are having like always.
Do companies even test these things anymore, I mean really, someone will post to defend the companies but this is too much and happens too often.
my mother is having this same issue, (told her to get EVO, but she wanted keyboard) but she did the OTA which I should've told her never to do any updates because of these issues……now she can't access google telling her password is wrong, she can't access android market she gets some force close error that allows her to report it….phone resets out of nowhere……cam does not work and says no pics on mem card but they are there????…….she can't hear any calls because the ringtones won't play nor can she set any ringtones…..I don't think she tried the music player but I'm sure that's FOOBAR'ed as well.
The bookmarks are there, open browser and click the star next to the url box, then goto most visited. They got moved and im my case some of my foldered bookmarks are missing but the bulk of them are there. try using dolphin browser, it will locate the bookmarks and but them in a easer to access list.
Had the music and force close issues until I did a factory reset. Factory reset kept the froyo update, but lost my apps
Downloaded the exe from Samsung and installed with no problems. However, most of my paid apps are missing from the market. Rumor has it that the OS/Phone combination needs to be "whitelisted" by Google to allow access to such "protected"/paid apps, but Google support is acting like they have never heard of that.
Pretty solid, but not having access to paid apps like Touchdown is likely to be a deal breaker to many until they get it fixed.
After install, all seems good to go!!!! Nothing seems to have been lost from my memory card as I was warned may happen. Contacts and Calendar sync is good. At the moment, SO glad that I didn't wait for the push from Google/Sprint!
I downloaded the mac zip version from Samsung and manually installed it. I have tested all the above listed errors and none exist on my phone.
I love the update the enhanced colors and graphics are great.
how exactly do i download the mac zip version??
Downloaded the exe from Samsung and installed with no problems. However, most of my paid apps are missing from the market. Rumor has it that the OS/Phone combination needs to be "whitelisted" by Google to allow access to such "protected"/paid apps, but Google support is acting like they have never heard of that.
I just got my Froyo update this morning. Seems like the icons have changed. The text messaging is a bit bizzare (they're call-out boxes); I'm not loving it. My google calendar events from today and the future are no longer visible on my phone (that's actually pretty frustrating). I can't connect to my work email via the exchange server. My gmail at least has arrows now so I can view previous and next messages. Some of my apps have been forced closed. I can access YouTube videos via the browser though, so it seems like there is flash!
It doesn't feel any faster, perhaps a bit slower due to the force close and a bit of freezing as I try to open some apps.
I got the over the air update and have the same calendar issues. I also noticed a few of my apps are now gone. The first one I noticed was the alarm clock. I have not had any email issues with email or gmail.
My epic will no longer ring…just vibrate!
I am having the same problem. Did you get the problem resolved? If so, how?
I can’t update my epic manually. I get this result:
E: failed to read footer from /sdcard/ (Is a directory)
Somebody know what’s happening?
Try the EXE instead of the zip. Same issue. With the zip file you need 2.1 running. I had a beta of 2.2 and was able to update to the new 2.2 with EXE.
Basically, your phone is looking to open a file that is not there. It happened to me and I received the same error. You downloaded the .exe file. It happened to me and I received the same error. Go ahead and download the mac file (that will be the file and that should work fine.
Back Up SD Card…..Then Reformat SD Card.(This Will Wipe It) Then Add Files Back Up There. Then Reboot Phone Sould Work After That.
This worked! Thanks!
Go to-… .Download Center for .SPH-D700ZKASPR Download Device(Install) (Software) (ver.Epic 4G Android Froyo Update (EB13)) & Device(Install),USB Driver (Software) (ver.1.0) install on your computer, follow directions My phone works great.
Same problems as Leo. Music player, gallery, and camera won't work. When I try to change the text notification sound, it forecloses.
Similiar problem to Debbie. The only thing I've noticed is that the Google calendar events are mostly gone. Besides that, everything seems to be working ok. Music players seem to be ok.
i have had to reload my DC card with music and pics…after that everythign worked fine
i've had a few problem ever since i upgraded this morning, like my alarm clock doesnt work now. i also cant use my camera to take photos or videos and some apps keep force closing. how long until these problems get fixed?
I’ve noticed a lot of my e-mails have been mixed up. For example ill click on one from pizza hut and when the e mail pops up on the next window its a different. Mail from a complete different sender
I haven't had any problems with my Epic since the update.
The only problem I have is when texting, it doesn't auto-correct but I've had that problem since before the update.
Ive been getting random freezes and the touch screen going unresponsive after exiting an App. its really weird. I have to put it to tsleep for a few secs and the wake it up, and then the screen will accept touch input again. That and its kinda glitchy in the gallery and while playing video.
did you ever find a fix for the screen its really annoying
I'm a Sprint customer and I received the update to 2.2 early in the morning on the 22nd. I too am experiencing some of the problems many of you are speaking about. Camera won't load (force closes), the alarm clock won't load (force closes), music player force closes and it says that I have not pictures in the gallery however several of the pics I took and placed for my contacts still show. And it looks as if the pics are in the My Files app. These things need to be fixed as most people use them quite frequently.
I got the update through my phone this morning, it was waiting to install when I woke up. I have been having issues ever since then. The music player does not open, I can not set an alarm and the camera does not open. They all force close immediatly after opening.
Ditto to Leo and Debbie's comments. The Android Camera and Music Player now crash on start. The Android Gallery doesn't display the images on my SD card. My Google calendar events are not on the phone's calendar app.
I think some of these are related to the SD card but I won't have time to troubleshoot until after work.
No zooming on Web Pages?
google calendar events missing, battery life worse, home screen lags especially when sliding out keyboard, initial GPS issues.
UMMM HELLO!! Sprint said to not install the file because it wasn't the official update! Patience people.
There's some folks on here who got the OTA update and are experiencing the same problems.
Just downloaded it using the ".exe" file from the Samsung website. Everything seems to be working smoothly. Lost all the contacts I had saved on my phone though — didn't think about backing them up first
I did NOT, however, lose any of the pictures/music/movies/files that I had on my phone (I did back all of those up, apparently I didn't have to). All apps will need to be re-downloaded as well. Thank goodness 4G will make that a quick task.
Back up your contacts!
I couldn’t get the mac.. but did the .exe from computer and haven’t had any problems.. I even got it root it again with the new update.. dk guys thanks..
Updated OTA this morning, cant access camera images through Gallery app or ringtone/notification sounds through settings. Tried a different SD card and everything seemed fine, will backup data and try again.
When you use the, and you install and reboot your phone, turn it off, and hold the three buttons to return to that recovery menu (the same thing u did to update your phone). Clear the cache partition, and your force close issues will go away. As far as the ringer volume issues go, turn your volume all the way up, then try to play a song thats on your phone using the music player. Then while that's playing, call your phone, and the speaker will return to normal and you'll hear your phone ring through the big speaker. Worked for me and 3 of my friends. Hope they fix that with this release though.
What three buttons? I'm about to chuck this phone!! I hate not being able to figure things out!!
My calendar entries are not being synced..
FIXED the problems!
I don't know why this worked, but I backed up my contact info, deleted the from the SD card, and did a wipe/factory reset on my phone. After that the update works fine. I can use my camera and view my gallery now. The only inconvenience is that I have to download all of my apps again, but at least Froyo works.
I hope this helps.
I've read this twice so far….does this seem like the only solution? Is there any way to save the apps somewhere so we dont have to try and find them again (and do all our custom settings again)?
I've read that you can reformat the SD card but you will still have to download all of your apps again.
Powering on from sleep seems delayed to me
For those of you having the issue with the gallery and music not showing up, but you are still able to find them on the sd card, try this, it worked for me. After backing up everything on your sd card, go to settings-sdcard-unmount. After it is unmounted, it will allow you to format the sd card, which will erase everything on it. Format the card, reload your backed up sd card info, and see if everything starts working again. It worked for me. I figured it out by trying a new sd card out and everything worked. Then I did the process described above to my old card and it worked. maybe try a new card first to make sure that is the problem. Good Luck!
Updated via the .exe file on Samsungs website. Everything works fine except when I get a text message, after I read it and go back to the home screen, the new text notification stills shows that I have a new text. If I go back to the message and go back to the home screen again, all is well. Not major but still a issue.
Updated last night – minor issue with deleting multiple emails, but it is working now. It was slow to delete. The alarm clock does not work anymore, but it was replaced by a new app called "Clock" which has far more features (stopwatch, etc). I actually like it better. Messaging is way better with 2.2. No issues with camera, contacts, or gallery so far. Lovin' it!
Recording hd video lag it feels lik th fps delcine A LOT also phone vibrates randomly and when I’m looking at all my apps there are black space where an app should be
Downloaded tis morning when prompted. Phone unable to ring, settings icon stalls system and starts vibrating, camera doesn’t work. That’s it so far but fix quickly so I can still brag on tis system.
And evidently my h doesn’t work very well
All those disappearing icons are coming back to haunt me now. They keep reappearing clogging up all 7 screens. I can barely get the phone to work properly now! Anybody know how I can get rid of these permanently? Is their a folder location for these?
The phone updated overnight and I lost my alarm app, and the phone only rings sporadically now when I have calls. Most of the time, it vibrates a couple of times briefly and sends the calls to voicemail. There is no way to answer the calls; that screen doesn't come up. I have called Sprint twice, and so far, it hasn't been able to fix the problem. It works when they call me, and as soon as I ring off with them, and try to call myself, it doesn't work. I am not a happy camper.
I updated early this morning, via the push on my phone. Now my phone doesn't ring, only vibrates and none of my apps work! My calendar is missing events, my alarm clock, camera, gallery, media player, nothing works! It just force closes itself….
Same here…when I took it to the Sprint store they told me the update was ruining phones and there is no fix…had to get a new phone
I also downloaded the zip file to the SD card & all seemed well except for the camera wil not work & it says there are no pics when there are,
Downloaded from Samsung using their SWUpgrade software. No problems yet.
I used the file and everything, except for two things, seems to work fine. From what I've been reading seems like the people that are downloading from the Sprint push are having the most problems. 1. My GCal has only synced one account. I have three. 2. The LED light keeps flashing. I'm hoping that that's due to the syncing of GCal….but I won't hold my breath.
Doing a factory reset fixing the force close issues, but the browser is just broken. If you go to, the broswer identifies the phone as a Nexus One rather than an Epic, a phone that Sprint opted NOT to carry that is made by Google. Normally it would say “download facebook for samsung epic” now says “nexus one”. No bookmarks anywhere at all, just some brightness settings button. This is either a major screw up or a bad business move. The texting UI is just like an iphone, and I hate it. This is an android phone and I got it for a reason. Lags like crazy too since the update. Garbage
every thing is working fine except it vibrates once.. waits a second or two then vibrates 3 times… it uses the battery 3 times as fast… and pisses me off…
Only prob I’ve noticed so far has been mentioned: the browser is messed up – no menu entry for bookmarks & won’t go to homepage – otherwise everythings relatively copascetic…
I had the same problems after installig froyo from the zip file. If you back up all your data and do a factory reset on the phone that fixes the bugs
Just got ota update. camera app force closes only when i select "sports" for screen mode (the one i like to use). Camera works though. All my pics and videos are there. Email is good. Music good. Video good. Text working in bubble format, not a fan but whatever. Cant set an alarm by clicking on my clock on the home screen anymore. There is a "clock" app in the drawer that seems to work. Internet is good. Bookmarks are there. Flash video working well. Transdroid app is working but widget is messing up. I have not yet tested the gps. Launcher Pro seems to be running smoother. Overall the phone seems snappier. The real test will be when i go to work tonight.
Tried to install the, but got similar problems to when I tried to update with the beta release a few months ago. My contacts will not open. Immediately forced closed. Ended up reinstalling the 2.1 through ODIN, and now just waiting to be queued up for OTA update. Spouse's phone already got OTA update and seems fine. Hoping I don't miss the OTA update because of reinstall of eclair system.
The only problem that I am having is when I turn off the phone…it…VIBRATES O_O haha
And also, in the browser….I'M GETTING THE CHECKER BOARD WHEN I ZOOM IN AND OUT! Oh hell no! >:
( Let's hope for the best and I am contacting sprint! >:(
Just got the epic three days ago, so everything is still new to me. Was prompted for the update, earlier this morning, so I did. There have been a few 'force close' issues, but wasn't too bad. My only complaint is the text messaging format. The text is bigger and in speech bubbles…I HATE IT, looks so generic. How do I revert to the old text message format?
so far the only issue I have had with the update is that it no longer has an option for you to have the phone announce the number or name of the incoming caller. Has anyone been able to get this to work, or have a place on the phone I haven't found yet?
Like alot of people posting, I also woke up to the update and set it in motion as I got in the shower. When I got out and started playing with my phone, I was disgusted. I called Sprint and was amazed that all these issues are "known" and that they still push it down to their "customers". I don't know about you but I'm not getting paid to be a beta tester. I get force close on everything I try to use, can't get anything from my calender, didn't have time to backup my data to do a hard reset. I am basically carrying around a paper weight till I can either get to a Sprint store or get home to back all my crap up and reset the phone. If I knew about this I would have waited till I got home to do this so called update. FUCK SPRINT
Hello, if you are having problems with apps force closing you may need to re-format your SD Card. I had the same problems with the Music app and the Camera. I copied the data from my SD Card to my computer hard drive then reformatted the SD Card in the phone. Then I copied my data back to the SD Card and all works perfectly now. Also the Google Calendar had some stale meta-data and didn't sync properly, to fix this I went to MENU>SETTINGS>APPLICATIONS>MANAGE APPLICATIONS then select the "ALL" group at the top then find "Calendar" in the list, select it then select "Clear data" button. Then do the same for the "Calendar storage". Now go to the Calendar app and hit MENU>SETTINGS>CALENDAR SYNC>(Select your account) then un-check then re-check your Google Calendar refresh. This should restore your Calendar.
Thank you for posting, that fixed my calendar issue. Now just have to get home to back everything up and re-format my SD card.
I first tried this suggestion from another post, but it only brought in some of my calender events. The other post only said to go as far as to clear the data on the Calendar. When I tried it again per your advice to also clear the Calendar Storage. It fixed the calendar issue completely. Thank you very much for such a quick, easy solution!
My music player, my gallery, and camera are force closing….and any other app that has to do with music…
My music player, my gallery, and camera are force closing….and any other app that has to do with music…also i have no ringtones when receiving calls it only vibrates
try resetting your phone back to factory i did and everything works fine just lags a little
A lot of the problems reported may well be related to the SD Card. Try the reformatting of the card as others have suggested. I had an LG Optimus with Froyo that exhibited the same issues and all of the issues were solved with a reformat of the memory card.
I installed from the Samsung web site with the .exe file over my PC and I haven't had any major issues, however, as one poster mentioned, I noticed that the battery life has gotten worse than with the 2.1 build.
So far, I have no idea why this is happening, but hopefully our forum will help find the solution.
First, a good tip for everyone from xda-developers: reset your battery stats. It got me another full hour of usage:
1. With phone powered on, fully charge.
2. Power off and fully charge (see the difference?)
3. Unplug, boot up and then shut down.
4. Fully charge again.
5. Do the volume down – camera – power button three finger salute to get into recovery mode
6. Go to advanced -> clear battery statistics and reboot.
7. Use your phone until it dies.
I used the, and my only two issues are the clock app doesn’t work right (setting an alarm force closes), and I have the Samsung home dock, which the software no longer works for.
Tyger: the talking caller id is now under settings -> voice input and output.
Not surprising no one knows what Market whitelisting is… there is no such thing. If there are apps you can no longer load, then the app is not marked as compatible with your device. I think the Market itself does this, but I think there’s also a way for a developer to specify it.
I found that… but it still just uses one of the ringtones… it will NOT say "call from Bob Dylan" or "call from 888-888-8888" It is really frustrating, I love to be able to ignore calls without having to pick up the phone to see who is calling.
1) Spelling Suggestions are not working
2) Spanish Dictionary not installed or supported when typing in Spanish.
3) 4G seems to drain the battery much more quickly as it continually searches (could be me)
4) No Alarm Widget or Shortcut available
Since the update I can not take pictures, it does notice my sd card, some of my application will not work and i can not assign ring tones.
I have two minor problems. The first is when I’m on the homepage whenever I try to swith screen orientation (slide up the keyboard) it takes about 5 seconds for anything other than the background to show up. The second is sometimes there seems to be random vibrations.
My phone advised me that I had to do an update last night so I did so. So far the only issue I had was the videos not playing (including ones I recorded) but that went away with a quick restart. I like the new text msg box only problem with that is sometimes the msg box in the status dropdown (at the top) does not disapear right away after its been checked. I have not had any problems with my music player and it is a good thing I checked my alarms this morning seeing as it did not save any of the ones I had stored before when it switched to the new clock. But the alarm worked perfect this morning as well. I love the new feature that you have to slide the "x" to shut off the alarm in the morning so there is no accidental press.
I do not sync my contacts with anything so I have no opinion on that but so far I am loving the new update.
If you are having problems, as in apps not opening. The camera/alarm clocl/ etc. after the update. Pull the memory card out and try it. Mine also had these problems, I pulled the card out and then it works. I formated my sd card and everything works fine now. hope this was helpful and it keeps you from resetting your phone or it worked for me atleast
I can't access my music player/camera/alarm clock etc. Plus whenever I try to update the settings on some apps, apps keep needing force close.
Hmm. From the posts here, it looks like the update is bunk. I might just stay on 2.1 so I can at least use my phone!
This was pushed as an updated to my phone without me needing to search elsewhere. I'm not sure I like it. There are some plusses like the bubble texting and combined text/call log but I cannot play my music and my pictures are not accessible through my gallery. It erased the buddies I had listed in my Buddies now widget too. I hope they push a patch really soon.
I love the new look and a few of the new perks, but none of my downloaded apps are coming up in the applications menu. To launch an app I've downloaded, I have to go to settings>applications and choose it there, or go to the market page for the app and tell it to open there. This is obviously a pretty big problem. Rebooting phone, etc. haven't helped. Don't really know what to do about it…
right after the update was pushed to my phone it kept coming back with a media error and foreced close. it would not let me do ANYTHING. I had to enter my passwords for google mail again. I ened up having to pull the battery from thep phone. My photos are on the phone, but the gallery will not find them. I also cannot set my alarm clock. I have not been able to see what else is broken, but for now, thats all thats messed up.
hopefully a fix is released soon…..
edit…my phone will also not ring!! i cannot access the ringtone section @ all. It force closes. It just vibrates.
Plug your phone into your computer. Put it on mass storage mode. Copy everything on your SD card and save it in a new folder on your desktop. Eject your phone from your computer. Under settings:SD card and phone storage:unmount SD card:reformat SD card. Then remount your SD card, plug it back into your computer, choose mass storage mode and then recopy everything from the folder on your desktop back onto your SD card. Eject and that should fix all of your problems. Let me know.
well…I'm trying this right now. I connected via USB, the computer picked it up but would not allow me to get to the SD card. I pulled it out and put it into a reader and I'm now transferring to my desktop… I will then reformat the SD card once back in the phone and see what happens.
If this works….What a PITA…cause I'll have TWO more phones to do this for.
well I did what you recommended. I CAN use the camera now, I can access my ring tone options.
My SMS messages is another thing. There STILL is NO sound…..
Got the Froyo update OTA this morning. All calendar entries from December 2010 to the distant future have vanished. Camera won't open. Multiple email deletion now requires confirmation. WTF? This is progress?
Tons of problems:
can't change ringers–forces close
no camera==forces close
no player
can't read SD card
can't turn to vibrate–forces close
can't set alarm–forces close
can't log in to some apps
Had to bring my phone to Sprint repair store was the third EPIC that day—no way to fix
Had to pay 35 to get a new phone cause I don't have insurance—even though it was not my fault
When I called Sprint they said there was not a OTA update and the only way to update was at a store…finally after I told them it was even on their own web page about the updates did I get the 35 credited to the bill…first lady I talked to told me it was my fault for updating…second lady kept trying to tell me I had to pay the fee cause I didnt have insurance…tech guy kept insisting there was no update….it wa a mess
i cannot save new events to my calendar (i type in the event and time and it states "saving" and then nothing appears. the phone vibrates randomly. dont like that virbate and silence have been removed from the volume toggle…
anyone else out there having issues sending texts after upgrade to froyo? I've had to reboot my phone in order to send texts already. thought that would fix the problem, but woke up this morning to find that i can't send texts again. (my sprint acct is not past due).
Having problems sending texts also after the upgrade. Keep getting message "failed". Sometimes it will go through, and sometimes not.
Installed via file from Samsung straight from card. I WAS VERY PATIENT WHEN PERFORMING THE INSTALL. After allowing it to fully finish and run it's course I allowed phone to auto reset then auto sync. Deleted Update file from sd card using Astro then pwr cycled phone. Checked camera, gallery, contacts, gmail, gps, music player, video player, facebook, & market/my apps. Everything works perfectly
This is an excellent upgrade. Finally FROYO!!!
From Corey: However I did have to clear the data under the calander application and resync it to pop it back into working correctly. Also forgot to mention I had to re-log into my email accounts directly after the upgrade. Still working great on this end
.. People truly have to be patient when doing upgrades. Normally the worst case scenerio is to just do a factory data reset to pop everything back into place if having issues after a Major OS upgrade. Just back your stuff up and you should be fine
The main issue seems to be with Content Providers, that is, built-in databases on the phone. Many of the content providers are unable to update to the more recent versions as they have been made "read only". This seems to be causing issues with obtaining media information for the music player, and any other programs which access system content providers. Basically many of the apps that deal with Media such as music and images have been crashing due to Sqlite Constraint Exceptions.
Idiots…my camera does not work (vibrates/force close) and none of my pictures show up. At least I confirmed that my pictures are still on my SD card.
How long have they had for this update to screw it up?
I am not an Apple fanboy by any means but I can see the attraction…..the iPhone just works…no problems. This is going to hurt Samsung as they look like idiots.
I am having problems with my Epic after installing the update today. I cannot open my camera and after calls, it tells me adroid.exe has closed. It's also been vibrating randomly. Very upsetting considering how much people pay for these phones!
I updated monday night from Sammys website, moved the .zip file over and installed it. I had some force close issues with the homescreen (twlauncher I think its called??) to start with and I was pretty upset at first thinking that after 6 months it is still buggy?!?! but after I restarted my phone (I do this about once a week, habit from my pre I guess) everything is working fine, camera takes pictures, all my photos are there, my music plays in doubletwist just fine. I love the new look and feel, the homescreen Expose type feature is great.
Also, people, learn some spelling, its not that hard to proofread your post before you send it, I feel like I am reading stuff from a 4th grade class….
@Fischy: Shame on you for chastising your peers for poor spelling. You have no fewer than ten grammatical errors in your own post: "monday" (capitalization), "Sammys" (punctuation), "homescreen" (spelling! — and misspelled twice, though magnanimously counted here only once), "its" (punctuation), "but" (capitalization), "pre" (capitalization), "Expose [sic] type" (punctuation — not to mention missing accent), comma instead of semicolon after "spelling", "its" (punctuation, again), and comma rather than period after "before you send it." Add to all this your dubious sentence structure.
Remember, Fischy: "Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."
I cant apply a ringtone for my ringer. Cant get into my gallery and cant do anything with music or sounds
horrible. I'm shocked. i feel as though I've been down-graded.
got a 925 score on Quadrant,
and scored lower than the average epic running 2.2 on smart bench.
also scored 5 mflops.
this sucks.
also, the sync icon appears on the upper status bar, yet there is nothing syncing.
Does anyone know if I will still be able to get an over-the-air update?
I downloaded it to my pc and did the usb method.
Everything seems to be ok. I had to re post things on my calendar. My only real problem as of yet is that there is no auto correct while I type using the android keyboard. It is a little slower too. I don't know if I should do a factory reset or not.
Just got the android 2.2 update today and the gps still does not work properly. I thought froyo was suppose to correct that.
Camera wont' work, all photos are gone, apps won't work. This sucks.
Fixed the photos, media, music player, alarm clock problems by unmouting and formatting my sd card. Go to settings>sd crad and phone storage>unmount sd card>format sd card. Epic 4g with the update push this morning.
Just did the mac update. So far so good. A lil slow an glichy but no problem with cam, or contacts. Looks alright but its a lil laggy now
Wow! I just got my epic 4g and updated it. Now nothing is working right. I would have been better off just rooting the darn phone like I did with my moment. I am carrying this piece of crap back and getting a htc evo. What really got me upset is when I went to the sprint community, the server was down. Almost if Sprint was aware of all the problems that people was having with froyo. I hope that everyone here get their phones on point
i was glad to see that samsung put the update up along with instructions on how to install it from my mac, which were very simple. but since the update i noticed my battery drains a LOT faster. i dont like that it includes text in the call log. that makes it hard to get to my missed and recent calls. i like the new alarm app though. and the music player and how i can control it from the notification menu. everything seems to be working correctly on my end, besides the incredible loss in battery life.
Suk it pmjosh were not writ n skool paprs u know! Fn turd
Got the over the air update for my epic 4g. The clock will not allow me to set an alarm without force closing, the picture gallery no longer can find where my picture files are, though they did not get deleted, the music player will not play (force close upon start-up), text messages will not send, my bookmarks from the internet browser have been lost as well, and the camera does not work either. Those are the problems I've found so far. This is possibly the worst update ever released.
Has anyone experienced shorter battery life after upgrading? What should I to fix that?
Downloaded the update and I am experiencing the same problems. No music/pictures/videos as well as the alarm clock function. I also cannot change any ringtones, so since the sd card is not accessible my phone will not ring at all…it will only vibrate. I can still see all of my files via the “my files” function, but I cannot access them.
I just got the update and now I cannot do anything while on a call, no text, no data, no Facebook….wtf?! Is anyone else having this issue? How do i fix it??? PLEASE HELP, I am a multitasker and can't live like this. lol
Camera and gallery won’t work… causes random force closes and vibrations.. had to reinstall my music player but the camera and gallery still screwed up. Not happy at all.
I updated to thr new software two days ago and i can open my music player or my camera also my phone battery is dieing really quick!
Wow!! This update sucks. I still have problems with the camera and several others.
Since updating to Froyo I can't get the new clock app alarm to work – it force closes, and the camera force closes too using the home icon and using the camera button at side of handset. I mean, how hard can it be to get the basics right. I'm going to sprint shop and asking for a new handset (not a samsung one) – my mrs has the intercept and it;s crap too. It's a shame – these handsets have all the potential with none of the foundation.
Since the update yesterday my phone has actually been running slower. Has frozen completely twice without allowing me to do anything at all! Force close on some apps- Facebook, Camera, Text Msg. Many things missing from Calendar now. The phone and OS was a ton faster without the update— definitely need to fix the kinks in it!
downloaded the update and the camera doesn't work and my pics were erased… I'm already having problems with people complaining about the quality of my voice on calls and now I think this is par for the course. This will be my first and my last samsung phone. I don't give second chances – and I upgrade every year… I'd rather have an older tech that is reliable than a tardy company that waits forever to release and then can't even get it perfect when they finally do…
Since the upgrade, i am having an issue with calendar events from the phone, both past and future, are gone. only new events show up on the phone. Emails wont delete on the phone. The internet browser wont bookmark my favorites. All my previous bookmarks are gone. The setting for ringer fully OFF is gone. i can only go to vibrate and volume, no way to be completely silent. I hope this gets figured out quickly.
Go to your sound settings and make sure the Vibrate is not set to "Always". I changed mine to "Only when not in silent mode" and the "silent" option came back.
It's a piece of crap update!! No camera, no pictures, no music, no pandora, funky text messaging…oh, and lots of force close and vibrations at strange times…I am NOT happy!
Not happy at all. messed up my gmail account so i cant sign into the app store. Also camera is gone and cant play videos through my video players. some files also arent reconizing the sd card.
I grabbed the update from the samsung site .
FIRST I tried to backup as much as I could. I bought and used mybackup pro for android.
then I did the upgrade and it worked perfectly.
Restore did "ok" still required about 4 hours of putting everything back the way it was.
Phone works perfect, no bugs at all. Like the new UI.
Is the OMA DRM process STILL a bug, that drains the battery ? Does anyone know if that was fixed in this release ?
After upgraded to 2.2, I can't open camera nor gallery. all the pictures are gone. Some of setting aren't working either. Very frequent force closing. Vibrates randomly, and makes no ringtone when I am getting calls. There are so many problems… Fix this please.
My camera won't open at all. Anything that requires a ringtone of any sort does a force close every time I try to use it. So my phone won't ring at all for texts or calls and I can't get into the select ringtones part of the settings. Also the alarm force closes every time I try to open it (because it requires a ringtone).
Anyone have any idea how to fix any of this – a phone that won't ring is not ok… plus I use the alarm on my phone to wake up every morning so, yeah, this sucks.
I downloaded the Windows Installer and the installation went fine. However, I cannot download a number of my paid apps. Two that stand out are Slingplayer and Radio Time. I went to Android Market Support and submitted a ticket that required all of the standard info (model, op sys, market ver., and MEID #). I assume that they will enter this into their system that someday will open up. I read on another post that it has something to do with SIM or the phone thinking that I am outside of the U.S.
I downloaded from Samsung on tuesday (Mac version), put on SD card, installed it back into phone and it was up and running inno time. After two days only had one issue. All sound levels were low. Rebooted phone and tried everything and all programs are running great. Battery lasted same as with 2.1, all day.
All bookmarks are there, just pushed bookmark icon on browser.
Music, videos and all my apps are there and working. I am listening to music while writing this.
What an fing waste….well here’s my issues since froyo update, battery drains really quickly yet my phones only 4 weeks old, internet bookmark button has now been replaced with a brightness button like that’s needed in internet, can’t use volume button to put phone into silent mode it will only go into vibrate, when typing everything runs slow, when closing internet the main screen takes awhile to show menu short cuts… far those are my issues….
try this for the battery drain.
go to applicaitons then into running services
scroll down till you see something that says OMA something or other.
Stop that process. It is only used as a DRM for downloading certain music with DRM on it.
It is an errant process that drains hte battery
Every time I reboot, I kill that 1 process and my battery now lasts all day.
To get your silent mode back, go to your sound settings and make sure Vibrate is not set to "Always".
just got the update and cant send texts witch really blows any advice
well thanks to Chofolo – so far his recommendations about backing up the SD card to your PC then re formatting it, the putting the stuff back on there…seems to have worked. @ the time I was not getting sound with my text messages. I went into the settings in the "messaging" section and I had to choose a ring tone. Some how it was unselected and there was NO ring tone…..once I selected one, it seems to work.
Alarm clock – works
Camera – Works
Thanks Chofolo for the help.
Installed from samsung to sd…
No problems at all.
I went back to eclair. Crap update.
My dictionary vanished, the call button in the call log was removed, the camcorder lags in lowlight, the rotation sensors got messed up and lag, sleep/wake lag, inverted compass(there's a fix but seriously?), checkerboard browser, and other crap.
The only pro to this update was flash 10.1 support and the new youtube app which doesn't make up for everything that got messed up. Maybe in another 6-7 months we'll get a update to fix like half the problems and make a bunch more.
How the hell do I Fix it… my phone is my only sorce of a alarm clock! And my music! Please help! No sound from music no ringtones, I cantopen anything with sound not even in my settings or my camera, its irritating I hate it hellllp!
the phone completely lagged after i installed it OTA but it returned 2 normal after a few minutes
My problem is the auto correct, I’m glad I have slide out keyboard had to use it more today then ever. But instead of words popping up for suggestions it #^&*@<. I have symbols thts before I started txting. When I do touch screen android or samsung keyboard mainly its ppls names instead of word. If I start to type exatly someone nme w an e pops up an the symbols. Exatly never shows. I have changed al the settings on all 3 options for keyboard. Also I have showing messages on bottom home row for txt after someone sends me somethg I click envolope read message close. There still shows 1 or 3 messages click again knowing no messages an its empty. I've even clicked off notifation for it everythg unchecked. Still saying I have txt.
Received my 2.2 update yesterday via Sprint. No issues to report. I have an issue with the Camera app occasionally freezing the unit, but that happened with 2.1 too. So far, it's working as advertised.
This is CRAP! Not only is there no camera or alarm clock and this annoying way of viewing texts, I've had to pull my battery 4 times now because of " force close" issues. It keeps repeating itself over and over and over again with this force close message. When I push force close it doesn't close. Most apps I open will not work. Anything media related will not work such as changing settings for ring tone etc. This is total BS. NOW I have to take the time to go into a "sprint repair facility" to have them "look at it" or do a hard reset. I travel for work and depend on my phone enormously day to day. UNREALLLLLLL ( sorry all had to vent )
no camera, no music, no video, says external SD card not present (it is present and mounted). no system sounds, Force closes on all attempts to use those functions. want my 200 bucks back.
Hard reset fixes everything!
My email coming from my exchange server is coming in with a subject line, but the contents are from an old email, very bizzar. No clue how fix it? Maybe delete the server and re-assign it? HELP..
I have had nothing but problems since this update. My phone automatically brought up the update so I installed it. As soon as it was installed I wasn’t able to use my default music player that came with the phone, the alarm that comes with the phone was missing, most apps force close instantly, icons don’t appear instantly when I either turn the phone sideways or hit the home button (takes as long as a minute for them to reappear), the texting is sluggish and can’t keep up with the speed I normally text at and leaves out letters every 4 or 5 words, none of my personal movies or pics will open any more, and for the first 8 hours after the update I wasn’t able to receive or make calls. About the only thing that works right now is the flash player that I was looking forward too but without the rest of the phone working properly it’s of no use.
Updated yesterday via the pc exe method and the phone runs exceptionally with the following exception: the sprint 3g or 4g hotspot will not load (not too worried, getting ready to root so i can wirelessly teather).
My phone shows the sync icon all the time. Other than that, no problems!
Just like MWH and Jeff, I am having the same issues. Where can we find help in getting this fixed? Very disappointed in Samsung on the roll out of this update, not to mention the delay in just getting it out.
Just awoke to an update pushed to my phone from sprint. It was 2.2 froyo. I did the update (via cell towers) and update took about 4 minutes. I was extremely happy to see everything seeming to be in place (pinch to zoom, etc.)
Unfortunately, After the update, this WILL kill your camera, music playback on the default player (not on others such as power amp though, it works well on that). I decided to unmount my SD card from my phone, and my camera worked (obviously I couldn't take photos or video without a card to save to though).
I do use iSYNCr.exe on my phone if anyone else uses that to save music files.
I have not found a fix yet, and am anxious to get my camera back running, or I am going to best buy mobile where I bought it and getting a replacement as I need my camera for my website. Anyone with a fix, please email me at
if you would be so kind. Hope the info helps anyone else in the same situation as me!
force closing my music player and I cant use my camera
Unlike a previous post, I hate that when I get a text it puts a notification in my phone log. I text a lot and have many phone calls daily. So now, I have pages of texts to scroll through till I can find the right phone number and time they called.
I also agree that the Messaging icon is annoying… I use Handcent, and under 2.1 I never saw that number pop up, but now it just annoys me on that messaging icon.
My Sync icon up top has gone away after about 36 hours, so that isn't an issue for me.
I have no problems with camera or videos.
The only other issue I have is getting it to announce the names or phone numbers of an incoming call.
I installed the update from the site and my phone works great and I love the flash option what in the world did you guys do to your phones to screw it up so badly
Do this:
1.) Backup all your stuff from your SD card on your computer in a folder to avoid losing any files
2.) With your card in your phone, go to settings, sd card, and unmount it, then format will be a selectable option.
3.) Format your SD card
4.) Restart Phone
5.) *IMPORTANT* Test your camera, media files (which should be gone, just test the app to make sure it doesn't die again) Test your sound settings too if you wish.
6.) Re-add all your stuff to your card, but in the correct folders. Make sure you take your photos out of the old folder, and put them in the new folder (not just copy the whole folder)
7.) *Re-test all the stuff in #5
8.) Comment here if it helps and give a thumbs up so people know
Downloaded 2.2.1 two days ago. The volumes are all now set to max but I can barely hear any of my sounds, whether they are phone calls, notifications, or even system beeps when changing settings. One or two reductions of any volume setting is the equivalent to 0%.
Glitches and fixes:
-Checkered boxes when pinch zooming on browser
FIX: Download a better browser (such as dolphin HD)
– Force closed apps
FIX: None that I can discern, this is the only problem I really have with the phone now but its still rare
– Google Calendar won't sync old events
FIX: Go to settings–> apps–> manage apps –> All (tab) –> Calendar –> Clear data/cache. Wait about 5 minutes, access your google calendar, wait another 5 minutes and everything will be back to normal
– Alarm doesn't exist anymore
FIX: Yes it does, its called "Clock" now and its much better
Accepting Exchange Calendar invites via email no longer prompt for a reply email first (maybe this is intentional?). I also don't think the note deletes from your inbox (but I don't have one right now to confirm).
My camera is working perfectly, but I've got two problems. One, the auto correct on the android keyboard has apparently lost its dictionary; it no longer works usefully. The box is there but it doesn't do anything helpful. Second, the messaging icon falsely reports that there is a new message even after I've not only read but replied to it. I have to RE-ENTER the message to get it to zero again.
By the way, those of you saying there's no alarm clock, it's now in an app called Clock that the update installs.
Today for some reason none of my texts would send until I powered off and back on.also, when I open the keyboard and close it the screen lag time to redisplay is a good bit all the new features but you'd think it'd work properly being it took this long to complete and their excuse was they wanted a bug free product when released.
I downloaded through the phone the other morning, I also didnt have some of my apps and the alarm clock no longer worked. I am having more problems with my touchscreen than anything else. It takes real long to open or wont respond to any of my touches. Any ideas to help this problem??
Used the .exe on it. Although it basically reset the phone, it wasn’t such a big deal since the epic was my back up phone. Mostly everything works well, expect sometimes I accidentally open the camera and then cant get it to close. And sometimes it will stop my unlock pattern in the middle of the motion, so that I can’t get into the phone.
I am having a problem with it sizing text to the screen as it is causing me to read a line then move the screen to the right to finish the line. I upgraded from the Samsung website
I hate this update. My main dislike is the messaging. The icon is annoying, but I could live with that. But then the text bubbles…it's so ugly. I hate texting now just because of that. There isn't even customization of the colors. I have no problems with random vibrations or force closes, but the internet is slower and when you open your keyboard the screen takes a while to switch to horizontal view. Flash is supported now which is good, but I'd give that up to undo the update. Also when I uninstall some apps they leave black spaces in Apps menu. They went backwards when it comes to appearance and speed.
After Froyo update, the ALLSHARE app does not find any systems on my home network. I have no problem connecting to WiFi. Its' just the ALLSHARE that is not working.
Dummies. The Samsung update was different from the one sent by Sprint. Waited for the Sprint update and my phone works perfectly.
How to fix the calendar sync issue: (I had the sync issue with google)
Simply go to the settings menu, hit Applications, then Manage Applications, then switch to the “All” tab. Now find “Calendar” and “Calendar Storage” and hit clear data on both of those. Then wait for next sync or go in to your calendar and manually sync it.
the only problems ive had is deleting photos and yesterday it foreclosed and started vibrating on its own…other than that its running pretty smooth….overall im satisfied.
I have 2 of these phones and one of them automatically received the update on 2/22. I have had no problems as described by other users. My second phone has not received the update and when checking for update, it is not available. Since the automatic update went well for me, and the manual update hasn't gone well for others, I'm nervous about installing manually.
I have 2 Epic phones on my account. 1 I updated OTA and 1 OTW. Have been experiencing force closes with increased frequency, missing Google calendar events, contacts and application functions.
When doing the update please hard reset your phone! A hard reset will take care of all the camera and SD card issues. I updated my phone Over The Wire (OTW) and have had no problems EXCEPT with the Haptic feedback. When accessing and exiting applications my phone vibrates several times (one short followed by 2 long) Mostly happens when exiting Yahoo! Mail and Messenger and the Browser. I'm sure there will be a patch from Samsung or Sprint to fix the Haptic feedback issue. In the meantime DO NOT CALL SPRINT for forceclose, camera and SD card issues. They will just have you hard reset your device, which WILL fix those issues. I am going to call Samsung support to see if they have any fixes, other than turning off the Haptic feedback, for my vibration issue.
Since the update, I can no longer listen to music on my phone. I was fine until I did the update, now I get a message saying “Sorry, the player does not support this type of audio file”.
my issues have been app related, specifically running multiple gps apps, waze and speed tracker, on occasion something crashes and the phone reboots. This didn't happen in 2.1 It seems to be related to being unable to read from the SD card when multiple streams are accessing it. Upgrading to a class 4 sd card solved my issues. the class 2 16gb card I received with it has very low performance where other users have received better performing cards with theres.
It won't access my gmail account after I updated it. It tells me to enter my password and then it says it's incorrect and to try again.
Since updating, I'm no longer able to keep my music files in the Music Player. I found the folder with all my mp3s in My Files but I can only select to play one song at a time and the music file does not stay in my player nor can I figure out the option to import all my music files. The folders to my original playlist that I had, before updating, are still there but the folders are empty. Anyone know how to transfer the music back into the Music Player? Its irritating.
I am having an issue with my SMS text Messaging Notification. It is in-audible. It will not play. I have audible ringtones, audible email notification but no audible SMS notification.
I updated a day ago.there needs to be a way to go back. My phone is about 10 times slower and very glitchy. My swype texting has been pretty much destroyed. It can never guess what I'm typing. I have to swype each word multiple times. Its like there is no more word library. It also deleted my alarm clock which caused me to be late for school. A couple random apps dont work. It has pretty much destroyedmy phone for what I use it as. Vibrates randomly. Thanks for destroying my phone update…
I updated 2 days ago and now I am having trouble with my email. Messages in my inbox just randomly disappear and then reappear. Messages I've deleted are reloaded again and again even if they are still in the trash bin. Deleting my email account and then putting it back in did not solve the problem. Does anyone else have this problem and have any ideas on how to fix it?
Got the update OTA. Seemed fine at first, then as I got a text message, a sound file NOT associated with texting would play until I opened the message. Outlook (Exchange Server) WILL NOT sync calendar. Contacts and Email yes, calendar no. Sprint says it is a Microsoft problem, Samsung says it may be a certificate issue on server. I used Odin to go back to 2.1, calendar is syncing fine. No more random audio files. Lost my Hebrew support, so after weeks of working with Sprint, I am looking into the EVO as an early replacement.
I have a Sprint Samsung Epic 4 G that was updated to the 2.2 from a 2.1. I also have an exchange server for email. The problem I am having is when I receive an invite I can hit accept and it will populate my calendar, however, when I get a cancellation I am no longer given the remove feature so I have to delete it from my calendar manually, very frustrating. This used to work with the 2.1. Any ideas for a fix?
Phone seems to get stuck and vibrates randomly..won't stop unless battery is taken out, I've only had the phone 5 days…i don't like it
ever since the last update, my phone :the icons have changed. The text messaging is call-out boxes, which I do not like at all. My phone has to be powered off then on to ring. It vibrates for no reason, the screen freezes, my swype does not spell or recognize the words it used to giving me a bunch of junk, there is about a 30 second lag when I try to access text messages, and lags when I try to input a text. Its really becoming very frustrating.
Each time I reiceive a new email, some dreamy music plays that I cannot shut off (even if phone is on silent, this music plays). Also, I am now seeing all text messages in my call logs and no option to turn that off either. I still cannot use the call waiting feature nor conference calls without hanging up on ALL parties.
After a call of some duration, I can hear the caller, but they can’t hear me. I discovered, if I turn the speakerphone on and back off, it fixes it during that call.
I can no longer delete photos from my phone’s gallery. Not really a big deal until I went on a trip and now the space is max-ed out. Now my phone is force closing everything, over-heating. Can’t open applications. The media scan takes forever or doesn’t even complete so I can’t use my phone without restarting it again and again. This is so frustrating, makes me yearn for the days of a flip-phone.
Since my Froyo 2.2 update:
1. My volume suddenly lowers and I have to reboot my phone to return it back to normal. This is a frequent issue.
2. Google Maps and other apps are force-closing frequently.
3. My sms notification on main screen will show a number of messages still unread until I physically scroll through my threads.
Please fix these issues. The volume is a huge issue for me. I am missing important calls and notifications because all of a sudden it lowers to the lowest setting even though the setting shows it is at man volume.
Very unhappy with what I was sold, not living up to it name at all. Going to the store was useless jus to get a reset everytime like that ever does anything but erase contacts and apps.
My Epic 4g is very, very slow. So slow my Moto cliq from Tmobile was faster.
Half the apps I want don’t work or freeze, and they wor fine on friends phones.
Pointles forward camera that you can’t skype with and has poor image quality.
Battery life is poor. Yes I have the wiget task killer.
Battery gets very very hot even when phone is not in use.
Slow video feed, and oversold image quality.
Constantly have to force close apps.
Roams randomly in the heart of downtown or my house or everywhere local.
Do not like having th keyboard.
Stuck till may of 2013 till I can upgrade to an iPhone.
I hate your stupid update, my phone used to be good, now it’s just a huge headache, last samsung brick I buy, next time i’m going with an iphone. Less of this style of bull crap. Can get anything accomplished with this thing running as slow as a snail, force closing, and wierd screwed up skype issues. You guys suck.
Since my update, I have not been able to use my contacts app.
As soon as I click to open it, “android process … failed”
My phone was amazing till this happened.
I would have lost all my contacts had it not been for Go Contacts EX I downloaded in lieu of my stock Contacts app.
Very, very disappointing, Samsung.
I have always used Samsung phones, TVs, etc. I am a true Samsung fan, but this just really hurts their rep for making the best stuff.
Fix this issue with the new Gingerbread coming out soon…
since my update my phone sucks…. cant forward messages anymore have a harder time zooming in on internt pages and alot of forceclose on apps…very low batterie life not to mention not to much of a warning before phone dies and overheats alot…
since my update my phone sucks…. cant forward messages anymore have a harder time zooming in on internt pages and alot of forceclose on apps…very low batterie life not to mention not to much of a warning before phone dies and overheats alot…
Since update my phone: drops calls, is very sensitive on the call screen, hangs up, takes off into the wild blue, the phone is the worst I have ever owned and the service center people are idiots… they shrug shoulders and say: I’ve never had any complaints with this phone. I’ll never own another samsung product and will switch ti an iphone as soon as my contract is up!
Yea these updates suck, The gingerbread one completely killed my phone and I hate this phone so much. I am backing up all my data then I am getting ready to get an iphone as soon as I do this new required BS update which will also probably kill my phone
I called Samsung and they said that there is nothing they can do, Sprint was also useless. so I told them I will never buy another Samsung product again.
ok so if my last post does not get approved lets give a more humble posting… i did this update this morning and omg…. when i wake muy phone from sleeping it freezes… then restarts and i can use my phone until it falls asleep and i have to wake it up again… if a call comes through when its sleep it restarts. this is a nightmare and only confirms that i need to just get an iphone with another carrier… because if this many people are having problems with an update that we dont know is going to harm our phones before we update them. Sprint and Samsung should eat the loss and give us all equal value phones…im not buying another phone with sprint if this is not resolved.
ever since my phone has done the update it freezes all the time and it says my sd card is bad!!! Been to sprint store numerous times. They said I needed a battery. Bought one of those!!! Still freezes!! NEVER HAD ANY PROBLEMS UNTILL THIS UPDATE!!! I have wasted a lot of time!! Not to mention my phone now needs a new sd card, so I am told !! I dont want to waste more money!! They owe me a new phone. I will never buy a samsung again if this is not resoved soon!!!