Android 2.2 Froyo Samsung Intercept on Virgin Coming in March
There seems to be a never-ending line of Android smartphone all patiently awaiting the arrival of the Android 2.2 Froyo update, one of which is the Virgin Mobile Samsung Intercept smartphone, but word has it that may soon change.
According to an article over on Engadget, Virgin Mobile USA has used their official Twitter account to announce that the Samsung Intercept on their network will gain the Android 2.2 Froyo update around March 25th.
Here’s what Virgin tweeted…” We know you have been asking for specifics on when VM will be getting the update to Android Froyo 2.2….it will be available about 3/25.”
Now hopefully that “about 3/25” will mean either the 24th or the 26th or actually on the 25th, and not be delayed like other Android smartphones have been experiencing such as the Samsung Epic 4G.
However, as there is already a Sprint Android 2.2 Froyo update in the making it shouldn’t be too difficult to make a few changes so it can play nice on the Samsung Intercept…right?
So any of our Samsung Intercept on Virgin Mobile USA owning readers now excited they may soon get updated to Android Froyo?
8 thoughts on “Android 2.2 Froyo Samsung Intercept on Virgin Coming in March”
I'm ready.
That is excellent news! I am looking forward to be able to run apps from the SD card.
I should have rooted back on December 18th and updated like Sprint's users did.
Yes! I don't want to wait a whole month! Or more….
Awesome! finalllyyyy, but a whole month? ugghhh too long lol
I am patiently waiting for VM 3/25/2011 Froyo upgrade! I know it would be an awesome phone with Froyo!
I'll wait. Only about a week left!!!
Virgin Mobile USA is pushing back the Android 2.2 (FroYo) upgrade to first week of April 2011.
Here is from their Twitter Account:
@NG_Player I'm sorry, the update is being rescheduled due to some internal timing issues. It should be ready the first week of April.
about 2 hours ago via Radian6 in reply to NG_Player