Sprint Site Down & Samsung Epic 4G Android 2.2 Update Canceled
First of all the Sprint site is down apparently they are working hard to pinpoint and fix the problem, and for those waiting on receiving the Samsung Epic 4G Android 2.2 Froyo update will have to wait a little longer.
The OTA update has been canceled according to Android Central because many customers were facing problems with their SD cards, data connectivity and in some cases both, even a hard reset did not fix the problems, which no wishes to do anyway.
The official update pull happened because a number of calls to the customer care department regarding problems with the Samsung Epic 4G upgrade and as a result to the above issues the update will not be pushed out to devices until fixed.
Sprints website here had all the details but at the time we visited the site it was down due to their own issues, Samsung and Sprint are both working on the Android 2.2 Froyo update issues and trying to release it to devices.
Many customers had troubles with the SD Card when trying to access photos and music etc, please do let us know your thoughts on the above matter and please let us know what Sprint’s problems are to why their site is down? Please visit the Android Central Forum for more information.
23 thoughts on “Sprint Site Down & Samsung Epic 4G Android 2.2 Update Canceled”
I downladed update form samsung and haven’t had any problems yet gps is even working and acurate to 1M never seen that with 2.1
They did good and bad with this. The muic player has better bluetooth control, so the moto rokrs work great now. The browser has been crippled when viewing certain pages, and is slower and less responsive. The youtube gui is prettier, but less functional. the boot time is exponentially longer; About 30 seconds before and almost three mins now. Buttons added for no reason and colors added to menus. My apps have missing icons, or uninstalled aps have blank spaces. No sd issues for me. Program manager “clears” memory in two stages – I see zero affect. Phone overall is actually slower. I’m a power user, cut the crap out, get rid of the cute shit, no animations etc. Just run fast when I’m runing video, going through pictues, browsing the internet, etc. There was something else that actually pissed me off but I forget now.
I agree, I updated mine yesterday and the only issue i have so far is my camera force cancels when I try to use the sport mode setting. I thought my internet was slow but when I use wifi it blazes! We have really bad Sprint reception in our area and we don't even have 4G
so I use my wifi when I'm at home, anyway I used the manual install method form Samsung and it seems to be working great minus a few glitches which shouldn't be but my phone works a lot better than it did before and I can always switch back to 2.1 at anytime. Hope they fix the issues soon because this phones potential is really great.
You have to backup your data and erase SD card. Then your app issues go away. if it still persists then factory reset. You should perform these steps every time you update the phone. Kinda like upgrading Windows OS. Clean installs are better than just upgrading.
I have noticed that Sprint's new community section doesn't work in Firefox. It only appears to be working for me in either IE or Safari
I did the manual update from the samsung website, it worked great at first, but after a few hours sound that normally come through the speaker would only come through the earpiece, had to power off/ on the phone to get it to work. On the apps menu, the contact, phone, and message buttons went missing… only apps was left. I lost my alarm clock, and had to use the stock clock. I ran the quadrant app to check my spped and it went from 740 (android 2.1) to 1004 (android 2.2). Some programs work faster, and at times it would lock up, then process all actions inputed. The messaging now looks like the ipad conversation bubbles. I also get a notification stating that I need to have administrative privledges ran through my email settings. It also added a security feature, but was over ridden by the email privledges… I just unchecked email privledges. Over all I like some of the new and hate the bugs.. I still have the same level of happiness before the update, if there were none of these issues this firmware update would be excellent.
It is inexcuseable. They released a malicious update that does not work. I had to do a hard reset and lost all my apps and still am having issues. The browser is completely broken and cannot get my exchange server e-mail. The two main things I use my phone for are completely non functional. No zoom on the browser, no bookmarks, no more than 4 pages and everything runs slower. Also, that iphone like UI for texting is stupid. That’s why I bought an android phone. Having to open a text after reading it in order to make the notification go away is absurd. Phone dies twice as fast too.
On top of all of that, the browser recognizes the phone as a Nexus One or an SDK, neither of which are phones that Sprint carries. So pissed off with them right now
I got the update and my phone is flyin! GPS is quick, memory is the best it has ever been. Pretty pleased since i make my Epic work pretty hard…
Amazing when someone buys a "Smartphone", then becomes a critic all of a sudden?!?!
This is very sad. Here we are just trying to get our updates and trying not to root our phones but we can't even get 2.2 on this flipping device. I have 3.0 running sweet on my NookColor but they can't get 2.2 to work properly on a smart phone. I've just about had it with Sprint and Samsung. I should have known this would happen, Sprint is famous for it. Remember the HTC Mogul, sprint took forever to release the GPS capabilities on that phone. I've been with sprint for about 10 years now, and I think its time for a change.
I had an unnoficial version of Froyo on my Epic for a couple of months from XDADevelopers.com that worked great. As soon as the Sprint version came out I went back to 2.1 and then ran the official update to Froyo. The install was a breeze. I also saved a copy of the software from Samsung to my desktop the other day in case I had to run a corded update…which I did not.
Have to say the 'unnoficial' version worked cleaner. Windows swiped faster, camera loaded quicker, and pages loaded quicker.
I'm not seeing the issues described by jacob or the SD Card and Connectivity issues reported by cutomers.
Think they should've skipped Froyo and just focused on getting Gingerbread ready for a release instead.
After waiting all week for the 2.2 update for my epic 4g I go to the sprint official site and find a big adobe flash icon. Is this a joke?
I had an unnoficial version of Froyo on my Epic for a couple of months from XDADevelopers.com that worked great. As soon as the Sprint version came out I went back to 2.1 and then ran the official update to Froyo. The install was a breeze. I also saved a copy of the software from Samsung to my desktop the other day in case I had to run a corded update…which I did not.__Have to say the 'unnoficial' version worked cleaner. Windows swiped faster, camera loaded quicker, and pages loaded quicker. __I'm not seeing the issues described by jacob or the SD Card and Connectivity issues reported by cutomers.____Think they should've skipped Froyo and just focused on getting Gingerbread ready for a release instead.
I've had the 2.2 Truly Epic Rom for a while and have never had these problems. One developer using a beta build of 2.2 made it much more functional and polished than the official release. If you haven't rooted your phone already, just do it…
I upgraded via the website (I didn't wait for the OTA update), and I had issues with the sd-card. I called tech support, we did a hard reset, and it has been running perfectly since. What I'm MOST pleased with is, my battery performance is night-and-day better. Normally by about 1pm my battery would be down to around 45%…now it's on par with other similar smart phones (iphone, evo), at about 80%. I'm very happy with the update.
I upgraded via the website as well. I've had no major issues. I did what some forums advised and backed up prior and then pulled the SD card on reboot. Actually didn't need to backup anything. Everything is still there and the GUI is much nicer looking and flows better. I have noticed though that my signal does not seem to be as strong as it once was. Still good though.
I updated from Samsung's website last night… even after I heard they were cancelling the upgrade. Upgrade worked great. I have NO PROBLEMS at all. Phone is faster, GPS is more accurate, camera works… yeah, the text bubbles are annoying, but they're growing on me.
I did have to re-install my apps, but heck, that's not a big deal. I backed up my data before doing the migration, copied it right back… again, no problems.
What's everyone b'in about?
I have samaungs eb13 that i loaded off their site as the windows .exe like your SUPPOSED to. I did it my way and it worked gret and still does.
Step 1. Download My Backup Pro
Step 2. Back up everything you want to keep minus free apps and your sms’s(yea it sucks but you don’t need em) and also don’t backup phone settings. Just take 5 minutes and do it yourself afterwards.
Step 3. Hard reset your phone before atttempting to update to froyo.
Step 4. After hard reseting begin process to update to froyo.
Step 5. Right after you upgrade do yet another hard reset even though you already did one and the update did too… just trust me it works.
Step 6. Restore your phone
Step 7. Fix settings to how you liked them, re-download apps, and enjoy froyo. I’ve really had no trouble since I did these steps
i actually cant use the right side of my screen sometimes, like i cant click anything. Anyone else having this problem? it comes back eventually, like 15 seconds later but still never did this with 2.1
sometimes the right side of my screen doesn't work, anyone else having this problem?
Erase SD Card after backing up data will resolve most of you guys issues. Android stores key files there and the update obviously conflicts with it. Erasing the SD card forces the OS to rewrite them back to the SD Card.
If that doesn't resolve your issue factory reset. My wife is rocking the Epic with 2.2 and no issues.