
Samsung Promotes Galaxy Tab With New Advert

As you are no doubt aware Samsung will soon be pushing out the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and presumably followed up with their mid-sized Galaxy Tab the 8.9-inch model, but it looks like Samsung doesn’t want people to forget about the original Samsung Galaxy Tab just yet.

Old Sammy is again promoting their original Samsung Galaxy Tab with a new advert for the portable Android device, and we have that advert for your viewing pleasure below courtesy of the guys over at Ubergizmo and by way of the Samsung Mobile USA YouTube page.

The new Galaxy Tab advert lasts the usual 30-odd seconds and shows off what the user can do with the device. However, the Samsung Galaxy Tab currently runs Android 2.2 Froyo and if Sammy doesn’t push out an update to Android 3.0 Honeycomb before too long then the Android faithful will probably bypass the Galaxy Tab for something like the Motorola Xoom.

Perhaps Sammy decided to tout the Galaxy Tab in the face of the Apple iPad 2 as no doubt the iPad 2 will get all the glory for a while yet. Have to say the Samsung Galaxy Tab does look a handy size though. Anyway head on down and check out that new advert for the Samsung Galaxy Tab…enjoy.

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